“This is the Dems’ anger, and their petulance, and their propensity to lash out at anyone that questions them, or - God forbid - criticizes them.”
“As we progress further into the cycle, this will become more and more apparent to the Dems,and they’ll begin to lash out.”
I wrote those sentences on this site over a month ago.
And wouldn’t you know? Dems are lashing out.
In the past 24 hours, I’ve had 3 negative comments on this site from angry Democrats, two of them from out-of-state.
Lashing out.
Attacking the messenger.
I’m not the only one - over at RD, it’s the same story. There we saw a likely-drunk Pete Talbot giving a piece of his mind. Even heard Aaron Flint mention this on his radio program this week.
This is not confidence.
If the Democrats were confident about their chances in 2020, they wouldn’t be lashing out at people that are criticizing them and their Party and their methods.
But Democrats aren’t confident. In fact, they’re letting their doubt and uncertainty lead them.
Hence the lashing out.
I can’t blame them.
If I had the gaggle of clown car candidates running for president that the Dems currently have, I’d be pissed off too.
These people are jokes.
Of course, the corporate media is the main cheerleader and lapdog for the Dems. I don’t think the press in this country has been in such dire straits since the yellow journalism days that got us into the Spanish-American War.
Currently the corporate media is telling us that Mayor Pete has a chance.
A gay man?
Are you kidding me?
I hope he is the nominee - Trump will steamroll him.
Trump will steamroll any of the clown car candidates, and Dems know this. Hence the lashing out.
Here in Montana the Dems lost their only chance at taking a statewide when Romano’s drug problems came to light. Arntzen now has a cakewalk.
When Gianforte is sworn into the Governor’s Office in 380 days or so, Dems will hit rock bottom.
Perhaps this is what they need, that jolt-of-a-wakeup-call that will get them focusing more on the people of this state and not on themselves.
I doubt that will happen.
And I’m happy for this. Nationally, we see what the Democrats are capable of...mainly shutting down our government and getting nothing done so they can play their impeachment game...a game everyone knows is going to fail.
But Dems don’t care.
They don’t care about this country, or workers, or families, or you.
They care about themselves.
Voters know this. And that’s why the GOP is going to win big next year. Everything between now and then is just a waiting game.