Honestly, if you put the effort in you can always find interesting things to talk about.
I like to just go out there, finding interesting things. It’s like a horse that’s been let out of the pen and can finally run.
Having no one tell me what to do is a big part of this.
Remember, there are no editors or committees of people deciding upon content.
It’s me and my nose and my ability to find things that interest you.
I guess I must do it well – why else would 700 to 1,000 different people come here each and everyday?
To read a different perspective, I think.
So I give that to you. Here’s a bunch more today.
Saying Goodbye to LK
Never found anything on him at the Historical Society, myself.
Perhaps there are people out there that know of his great deeds. I’m not one, nor do I intend to be one.
You see, LK was scared away from this site because I had the gall to actually question one of his heroes, one of his idols if you will.
That’d be the esteemed Dick Manning, a person we profiled when talking about his wife.
LK was very distraught that I couldn’t see how much good Manning had done for Montana when I was a toddler and in grade school.
LK was patient with me but eventually his patience wore thin. He made the announcement that he would no longer be commenting here.
Wow, am I the first site that got that guy to leave without having to block him?
That should be a lesson to young Dems in this state – just talk about their heroes…they’ll shut the fuck up real quick, and maybe that hurt look on their face will even get them to finally leave.
To use young folks that have to clean up their shit (sometimes literally as they get older, and certainly politically as we take over the state), this is great.
Think of how much can get done when we don’t have the old fogeys – and the decades of baggage they always bring with them – clogging up every discussion with how it used to be, how it should be, and which way is right.
My God, that’s exactly why we’re in the mess we’re in!
I guess LK will have to come in and leave one of his comments now. I fully expect him to turn on the venom and vile and attack me. That way I can block him and he can find some other site to complain about that on.
So that’s LK – and that’s the old guard of the state – crying in their spiked coffee that no one gives a shit about them anymore.
Really makes you want to give a shit, eh?
The Williams Dinner
I’m not sorry that you don’t like me pointing out this scam.
Or is taking 100% of someone’s money and then giving 40% of that to a candidate not a scam?
I guess we get that dinner and all that booze, huh? So it’s a party allowing local Dems to bask in their local-Dem-ness while pretending they’re helping.
The 3 to 4 candidates that get money from that event should be pleased.
How will the other dozen or so feel?
Probably best not to ask huh? And probably best not to suggest Pat Williams get the expenses of his dinner to come down.
Oh, but that’s damn stupid of me to think that Pat Williams has anything to do with a dinner that bears his name, now isn’t it?
That’s what leading Missoula County Dem Pete Talbot was nice enough to point out to me.
After that Pete asked me how my campaign was going and I was happy to tell him (meanwhile his meltdown continued (I think he was drinking, but that’s just me)).
Please also realize that to Missoula Dems, wining and dining themselves is more important than financially supporting candidates.
The finances of their dinner makes that overwhelmingly clear for anyone that's not lying to themselves (or involved with the scam).
Campaign Progress
Actually, I couldn’t go with MDLCC this year because the Montana Democratic Party calls me an anti-semitic Republican, refuses to return my phone calls or emails, and won’t allow me access to their voter network.
They call me anti-semitic because of the 3rd most popular article on this site, The Rothschilds, Freemasons and Illuminati.
Meanwhile, just this week, Time magazine runs a cover story on our massive problem with debt.
To me, it's a no-brainer why people all over the country want to learn about the Federal Reserve and the foreign families controlling it.
To Montana Democrats, however, if you start asking those questions you hate Jews.
So I have to do things on my own, which is great, as that way they’ll be done right.
I raised $340 for my House District 99 race and as you saw earlier this week, I already purchased 10 campaign signs.
What I didn’t tell you about was these wondrous campaign cards I just got made:
Don’t those look nice?
Got ‘em made on Fiverr for $10.50 and I got the design back yesterday.
I’ve already emailed a copy center here in Missoula that’ll do 100 of those business cards for $20 and each 100 after that for $10.
Currently I have $112 left in my campaign war chest so I’ll probably get about 500 of those printed up.
I like them because they’re simple and they have my website. I’ll use them for the next two years to inform people who I am.
I know that people will hang onto the card as well because of the design on the back.
So that’s the old-style Montana campaign card design that allows motorists to know which cars they’re driving by on the highway.
I wish we saw this more from candidates, but we don’t.
MDLCC, right? Yep, they've got to get tons of money from candidates so they can shuffle it up to the 'important' races.
Damn shame.
I’ll be at Missoula’s Mellow Mood glass pipe shop most of the afternoon and into the evening.
Because I’ll be gathering signatures to legalize marijuana in Montana, that’s why.
Something that might help with that is the large sign I made yesterday.
Maybe you can't guess it, but that sign cost me $0.
Yeah, no shit!
You can see the sign from quite a ways off and I hope it’ll convince some drivers to stop and sign real quick.
Fun Montana Numbers
- In 1978 the Montana timber industry had 13,400 jobs (its high point) but by 1988 it had 11,130.
- In 2011 the Montana timber industry has 6,530 workers.
- In 2013 7,000 of Montanan’s 22,000 manufacturing jobs were in the wood products industry.
- In 1960, 74% of Montana was Catholic. Today that’s 13%.
- In 1960 Montana had 91,000 horses worth $110 a head. In 2013 there were 172 wild horses in the state.
- Montana had a total of 68,772 miles of county roads in 1988. The highest number of county roads were in Hill County, with 3,256 miles for the 6,970 people living there.
- In the 1950s Montana had 1,114 public employees. In the 1960s we had 31,662 (a 2,842% increase from the previous decade). In the 1970s we had 47,464 (a 150% increase).
I just find those numbers interesting and I hope you do as well. You’ll get those and a lot more in my upcoming Montana history book.
It’ll focus on the 1960s to the 1990s.
I don’t expect you to buy it.
Well, I know you don’t really care. After all, just about 6 of my last Montana history book sold.
So please don’t come in here and tell me that I don’t care about your problems or Montana's past.
A big problem I have is that no one cares about Montana history.
Do you care about that? Of course not, so let’s cut the shit.
How many times do you meet someone that’s dying to care about your problems when you don’t care about theirs?
Don’t happen much.
Montana has problems, lots. I discuss those. I have no political future in this state because I’ve made the choice to talk about those problems.
If you’d like to read about those problems, that’s great. If you’d like to comment, go ahead.
But don’t come in here and tell me what to do.
I’ve never once come into your house to tell you what to do, now have I?
Thanks for your understanding.