I got a letter from a billionaire today.
He was asking for money.
After that Steve Daines came in to tell me how important this upcoming special election is.
Then we got to the gist of it, the main letter.
It’s 4 pages long, front and back.
Greg wrote it, or at least that’s who signed it.
So…what to make of this?
I guess it depends on whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican.
I don’t know what I am anymore. The Democrats sure don’t send me mailers.
I’m not sure any Democrats are sending mailers out at the moment.
Anyways, I agree with a lot of what the letter says.
“The Democrats believed every last lie of the pundits, the biased polls and the media heading into Election Day 2016. They arrogantly assumed that November 8, 2016 would be America’s coronation of Hillary Rodham Clinton and the effective rubber stamp of the Obama agenda. Instead, that day became their Waterloo.
Rather than accepting defeat and the will of the American people, the Democrats instead launched into a petulant rage befitting of a spoiled child.”
That doesn’t mean I’m voting for Gianforte, and it certainly doesn’t mean I’m giving him money.
Why would I give him money? He’s a billionaire!
If he has enough money sitting around to give millions to his old university, then he doesn’t need $10 from me, which is about all I could afford.
But he could use my vote again.
I gave it to him last time, but that’s because he was running against Bullock.
Mostly he needs enough everyday Montanans to get out there in this low-turnout election.
I’m talking about the “grassroots Republicans in Montana” that “began to suggest” Gianforte should run for this seat.
They voted for him in droves last time, and unless the special election coincides with the June primary (is there even one in 2017 – we know it’s too late now for the school elections) then it’s certain this will be a terribly low-turnout election.
The Democratic base simply won't be enough. Nope, 40% of the vote ain’t gonna do it.
That’s why there’s such a battle right now between the Quist and Curtis supporters online.
Who knows what’s happening behind the scenes when it comes to wooing the delegates, but I know Quist is travelling more right now.
One things is for certain – “the Democrats will be out for blood” this election.
To spill it they’ll rely on their “vaunted Obama Political Machine.
Greg tells us that it’ll “be unleashed with an unseen fury.”
We’ve seen it unleashed before. It rarely does much good, unless you’re a political hanger-on that makes a paycheck from it.
There are lots of those, and my will they make a racket over the next few months.
Should be interesting to watch. Hang in there.