With just four weeks to go...is there anyone in America that wants the election to drag on longer than that?
Yes - the class of political hangers-on that cling to the campaigns like remora fish cling to a shark. They want the campaign season to go on for months. More pay for them.
But for the rest of us, we were ready for it to be over months if not years ago.
Killing It, Bond!
“Do you expect me to talk?”
“No, Mr. Bond...I expect you to die.”
In the end it wasn’t some over-the-top villain like Goldfinger that killed bond, it was something much more sinister - greed.
Last week it was announced the studio wouldn’t be releasing the new James Bond film next month like planned...but next April...a year after the film was originally supposed to come out.
Upon this announcement, one of the nation’s largest theatre companies announced that they’d be closing 536 theatres in the US and another 127 in the UK.
It’s expected that AMC will announce the closure of their theatres very soon as well.
The movie industry, as we once knew it, is now over.
Greed killed it.
It really is ironic - the studio was afraid they wouldn’t make enough money by releasing the movie now in a Covid environment, but by withholding it, they pretty much assure they won’t make enough money because all the theatres are out of business for good.
Really is a Catch-22.
The highest-grossing Bond film was 2012’s Skyfall, which brought just over $1 billion globally at the box office.
It cost $200 million to produce, with a good $50 million of that the marketing budget alone (Craig was paid $13.8 million for that outing).
Compare this to the $307 million that Tenet made at the box office during its Covid run, and that after the film cost $200 million.
That’s a huge loss for Hollywood.
Yeah...they made $107 million more than it cost to produce, but for Hollywood, that’s a bust.
And that’s why I think the old Hollywood model of paying actors $20 million for a movie and then spending $50 million for its 3-4 week theatrical run is now over for good.
Covid might have seriously wounded the movie business, but James Bond came along and killed the theatre business.
The Battle of Milvian Bridge
1,708 years ago this month, way back in the year 312.
It was a civil war, really. Constantine was fighting Maxentius for the right to rule Rome as a sole ruler, getting rid of the Tetrarchy of two rulers in the western portion of the empire.
Constantine had recently converted to Christianity, and he said he won that battle because of divine intervention.
Maxentius drowned in the Tiber during the battle. They found his body and cut off his head and paraded it through the streets.
It was different times back then.
Most people only lived to be 50-years-old, though if you factor in the high infant mortality rate, the life expectancy was only 25-years.
Had to be tough to live that long back then. I don't think most people living today would make it even one year in that time.
Rich and Entitled
Healthcare workers in Missoula want an extra $13 an hour from the federal government to go to work.
Let me put that another way - they want the feds to cut the check, and then your kids and grandkids will pay that off over the next 30 to 50 years via their taxes...which I'm sure will be sky-high by then.
You see, these healthcare workers say its just too dangerous with Covid.
A handful of them took some time off work yesterday to stand on the sidewalk with signs, complaining that they need hazard pay.
Meanwhile, our grocery store workers, fast food employees, restaurant staff, bar schleps, and gas station attendants all went to work and skipped the protest.
Know why?
Because if they wouldn’t have shown-up to work like those healthcare workers, they would have been fired.
There’s no union to help out the service industry crowd, and there’s certainly no calls to give them $13 more an hour.
Because we have important workers in Missoula, and we have workers that are meaningless.
I think you can figure out which is which. Chances are good that you mostly encounter the meaingingless ones during your daily errands.
Will Racism Lead to Lawsuits?
Yesterday Missoula County Commissioner Josh Slotnick admitted that he’s a racist.
“This system where the virtue of your birth almost absolutely determines your eventual wealth and achievement is racist. We all were born into this system and benefit from it every day. So yup, I’m a racist.
I’m not a bigot, but I’ve benefited from a racist system. So, the businessman was right, I’m a racist.”
What are the legal ramifications of this admission for Missoula County?
For instance, can certain businesses that didn’t get a county contract now sue the county for racism?
The county admitted just the week before that they would now favor women and minority-owned businesses over businesses that are just owned by men or white people.
“Opponents described the move as sexist and racist, saying it discriminates against other businesses based upon gender and race.”’
The county will give a 5% preference to women and minority-owned businesses over men and white-owned businesses.
Does anyone else see a lawsuit coming down the pike, perhaps several?
One of the conservative city council members had this to say about the idea:
“What this is doing is giving preferential treatment to people or businesses based solely on their gender or on the color of their skin,” Vasecka said. “I think this is blatantly sexist and blatantly racist. You shouldn’t have to put your race or your sex down when putting in a bid.”
And she’s right.
Missoula has shown time and time again that they do not know the laws.
Consider the sidewalk ordinance, which the ACLU sued the city to overturn. And then there were the restrictions on gun sales, which Tim Fox had to come and overturn. The water company lawsuit is still in court.
Now Missoula is admitting that they’re racist while at the same time using racism and sexism to favor certain businesses over others.
It’s also political. Businesses owned by women and minorities are more likely to support Democrats. Businesses owned by white people and men might be more inclined to support Republicans.
How long before the litigation starts?
Why Is He Alive?
Why is Trump still alive?
He’s 74-years-old. He’s 50 pounds overweight. He doesn’t exercise. He eats McDonald’s.
By all accounts, this man should be dead.
But he’s not...because Covid typically only kills about 0.3% to 0.5% of the people it infects.
Mostly, it’s just not a very deadly virus and most people that get it are fine. Sadly, we have many from the older generations that care more about themselves than they do about their kids’s future and well-being, so they decided to destroy the country all so they can have a few more years.
And Trump didn’t die, either.
Yeah...maybe it was that world-class healthcare he got. But really...anyone can get that.
The steroid he took is called dexamethasone and costs $5.36, or as much as $18.50 if you can’t get insurance or Medicaid to cover it.
Now if you want to also take the Remdesivir that he took, it’ll cost you more. The company that makes it - Gillead Sciences - is a Godless company that loves greed.
That’s why they charge $520 per dose, but if you live outside the US, you only have to pay $390 a dose.
It takes about 5 doses across 5 days, so you’re looking at $3,120 in the US and $2,340 everywhere else in the world.
If we add an ambulance ride and a few-day hospital stay to that, the bill will quickly jump to over $10,000 and probably more depending on where you go.
You paid for Trump to get better; he’d never pay for you to do the same.
Now 7 months into this mess, and the government still can’t do testing worth a damn, and they certainly won’t pay for those tests.
Here in Missoula the public testing sites run by the city/county are horrendous, with record-keeping abysmal. They don’t ask for names or date of births when people drive up to line, and then when someone leaves the line due to the frustratingly-long wait, they typically don’t know and get people mixed up. When results do come, it’s days or a week after you had the test.
The public testing sites have you fill out the paperwork, pay the money, get the test and they give you results in hours.
When you rely on the state, you won’t know if you’re positive and you’ll walk around and infect people.
When you rely on the private sector, you know fast and can adjust your life accordingly.
Here in Missoula the city/county are grasping for more authority and more power to tell you what to do during this ‘pandemic’ and they’re making the situation worse.