I’ve got good news – you can get a great new cover and a lot of things will turn around for you. I just got a new cover for my book The Hirelings, and once I do a promo in a week, I expect that book will finally start to sell…a year after I put it out.
Maybe you’re in the same boat, and that’s why I urge you to check out Design Your Book: 75 eBook Cover Design Sites that Increase Amazon Sales. This book is typically $4.99 so you’re saving 81% off the cover price.
Stop muddling around and get serious – self-publishing is a business and if you don’t treat it like one you’ll get run over. You need a world-class cover, sound editing, and a great blurb and Look Inside. If you don’t have those things you’ll have a helluva time getting onto the Top 100 chart for your genre. And if you can do that no one will be seeing your book.
Check out Design Your Book and make 2015 the year that works for you.