I wrote this book back in May and June of 2014, shortly after those 276 Nigerian schoolgirls were captured by Boko Haram.
Boy, America is a joke, isn’t it?
Remember that image of Michelle Obama looking all pouty-eyed, holding up a piece of paper saying “#Bring Back Our Girls?”
What a joke. Do you think if it was her daughters she'd be holding that fucking sign? Hell no - that country would have been bombed to the Stone Age!
But that didn't happen and now it’s a year and a half later and those girls are probably nursing the young babies that they had after those terrorists raped them.
That’s the world we live in, and it’s a sick and gruesome place. America could do something about this, but we’re too busy seeing to our oil profits in the Middle East to worry about devilish acts of humanitarian chaos around the world.
I don’t like that, and that’s why I wrote this book.
It’s the first in the Shadow Government Series, and the second book is Flight 370. This is a dark series, one that matches our dark world. Hell, in the second book there’s a presidential assassination in Montana!
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Like most Americans, the president in this book wants to see Abu Shekau’s balls in a box on his desk. That’s the leader of Boko Haram, and to make that happen, the president sends out a team of elite Special Forces, most former CIA members that have now gone mercenary.
You just can’t trust the spooks at the Agency, the NSA or those clowns in the Pentagon, at least not if you’re in the Oval Office and trying to do what’s right.
That’s where Team Dumbbell comes into play. They’re the elite Special Forces team, and currently they’re stationed in neighboring country Niger, guarding the French uranium plant there. That’s just an elaborate cover though, for this group has been tasked with taking the government back for the people.
I know you’ll like it, and I know you’ll like the other books of the series as they roll out. I enjoy writing this dark, conspiratorial stuff, and I’ll be doing so for some time.
What if corporations didn’t control America? What if a president stood up to the hidden forces that shape things? What if you mattered again?
That’s what this series is about. Isn’t it time you started reading it?