This is something self-published authors ask a lot, and for good reason - lots of reviews help you sell lots of books.
There’s a whole thread of authors asking for reviews over on Goodreads and you routinely see people asking in the KDP forum as well.
Most authors think it’s pretty bad asking for reviews. Some don’t think it’s bad at all. And a few even go out of their way to ask for reviews every chance they get.
I’m going to fall in that latter camp today.
Can I Have a Review, Please?
Yes, that’s right – I’m asking for reviews. It shouldn’t really come as a surprise to anyone that’s read my books, either. Here’s what I usually say in the front and back matter:
- If you enjoyed the book, please consider writing a review for it, or suggest it to one of your friends.
- It’s hard for books to get noticed these days. Whether you liked this one or not, please consider writing a review, thanks!
Pretty Please, With Sugar on Top
And sometimes they don’t even click on a book. After all, you can see the number of reviews a book has just by looking at it in the category rankings.
Well that’s why I’m asking all my loyal readers to take the time to visit Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Sony, iTunes, or Goodreads and leave a review for one of my 17 books.
It’s not real hard, and I won’t get upset if you leave a 1-star. I think all reviews are helpful, and nothing makes an author’s day like seeing a new review. Well, maybe seeing a new sale. Hey, I think I know the name for my next article!