The book is usually priced at $4.99 so that means you’re saving 81% off the cover price.
Why buy this book?
I’ve written about this book before, and you can read all about it in the Sell Your Book promo post that’s always on the My Books page of this site. That will tell you why to buy this book. Now here’s who shouldn’t:
- If you’re not an author then this book won’t help you.
- If you don’t have eBooks that you can change prices on, this book won’t help you.
- If you’re selling like crazy, this book won’t help you.
Wow, I’m great at selling books!
Mainly, though, I just don’t want to waste your time. I’m sure you’ve wasted plenty of that already, what with posting to useless social media groups and spamming friends. That might get a few sales, but will it get those sustained sales month after month, the ones you need to keep going?
No, it won’t.
That’s why you need help, and with these 75 eBook promotion sites, you’ll get that. Most of the sites will send out emails to people that want to hear about your book.
- So if you’re doing BookSends you might have a sci-fi list of 20,000 people.
- If you’re doing a BookBub promo for a romance book, you might have a list of 80,000 people!
- And if you’re choosing some site that charges $10 and looks like hell, your thriller novel might get a list of 700 people…if that.
That’s the thing with eBook marketing – you often don’t know what will work, or if you do know, you don’t know what the results will be.
That’s why you want to buy this book, so you can know what works and how it’ll work for you.
Buy Sell Your Book right now for $0.99…the clock’s ticking!