You’d think with more than 3,000 people a day it’d get some action, but no.
So I figured I’d get to the bottom of it, or at least pretend I did while writing what I want. Now, these three reasons no one comments on my site could apply to your site as well, but I don’t know because I don’t visit it. I don’t visit it because you haven’t left a comment on my site. See…I don’t know you exist.
So what are some reasons why wildly popular sites and sites with lots of daily visitors aren’t getting comments? Here are my top 3 ideas.
You’re Smarter than Your Audience

- Tell you in-depth details of the Xia Dynasty in 1800 BC;
- What the Seven of Swords Tarot card means;
- When Gold was first discovered in Montana;
And more useful things like:
See, my audience doesn’t know that so they come here. And when you don’t know something you’ll often clam-up. Hey, I was an English teacher for 5 years and saw that shit firsthand. I know that most of you have no idea what you’re doing, just like my students. This is why getting you to talk is also like pulling teeth.
It’s alright – ignorance doesn’t last forever. When I first started in blogging and self-publishing and other stuff online I didn’t know a damn thing, just like you now. But I put the pedal to the metal and learned, and I did that all online and by myself.
No one’s going to hold your hand because no one gives a fuck about you. They’ll say they will, but chances are they’re just trying to get your money. I don’t really care about your money, for even if you bought every single one of my books on the same day I’d only make $131.33. That’s not a whole lot, huh? So really, I can talk to you anyway I want and you’ll take it or you’ll stop reading…it’s that simple.
And unlike many sites out there, if you stop reading it won’t be the end of the world. But you know this – you go to dozens of sites, because you’re smart. Now, for all you serious folks that are still here, what does this mean?
You’re Boring as Hell

There’s a lot of boring stuff out there. The worst is when people write about themselves. Many people only care about themselves so this strategy really doesn’t work.
Sometimes you see sites that have information you read when you were in first grade…or whatever you’d like to compare the early training sessions of your industry or niche.
Many times you just get a paragraph that’s badly formatted or worse, a few running together, small text…you just don’t even want to read it and hit ‘back.’
So maybe you can write but you’ve got design problems. What’s the difference? I see something that looks like a train wreck and I just go away and find something else – there are millions of sites out there and a shit-ton of crappy and useless links I can click.
Your Tone is Shit

I wrote an article on The Book Designer once and everyone said it had good info but the tone was just terrible. Well, shit.
You won’t find me commenting on boring and toneless sites. If you can’t take a stand, if you’re falling all over yourself to please everyone, damn – I don’t have time for that shit.
Sometimes when I drink too much coke I get a sour stomach, and when I see sites with a tone that’s smiley and friendly and not at all helpful I get a sour stomach too. I don’t need two sour stomachs in one day.
Don’t sour-stomach your audience, find your voice and tone and stick with it and don’t apologize and if no one wants to comment than God damn it aren’t they lucky?
Alright, that’s three reasons no one comments on this site – I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t comment because it might negate this whole article. Thanks…but not really.