I discovered that April is always a crummy month.
In 2013 April was busy.
2014 had a lot of zeroes while 2015 was all about the agony.
In 2016 things were more productive.
And now it’s 2017.
So let’s just put this in perspective.
First of all, in 2013 I wasn’t even living in the country.
In the April 2014 post I bitched about never getting done with Colter’s Winter, which had “been on the word count meters for months and months and needs to be finished.”
By 2015 I had finished it, but I was bitching about the book getting just 1 sale on the day it was released…and that because I bought the damn thing.
Fast forward 2 years and that book has sold over 1,500 copies, double anything else I’ve written.
By April 2016 I wasn’t complaining much as I’d just released the 7th book in that series and mentioned that nearly 1,900 of those series books had been sold.
And now here we are in 2017.
When I look back on last year’s post from this time I see not much has changed.
Is that a good thing?
Probably not.
But this year things will change, as I’ll be starting a new job on the 15th of the month that goes to mid-July.
Don’t worry – I’ll still be able to write my thoughts out about MT politics and such during that time.
Well…let me scratch that. I just got a call 2 minutes ago from the place saying that I’ll not be doing that job.
They gave me some excuse, but personally I think it’s because of my politics and my political writings.
Oh well.
Guess I’ll have to find something else.
So it’ll be scraping by for another month and then come June I should be doing alright again moneywise.
And then what?
I have to be honest…I haven’t been writing much on my novels.
Dulce Truths was a complete and utter flop.
It sold 5 copies for the month, again, one of them because I bought the damn thing.
I did manage to sell a few copies of Dulce Base, the first book in the series.
So maybe Book 2 will catch up…at some point.
I guess I just don’t feel like writing much.
I feel a bit bored with what I’m working on.
And would you want to read that?
I doubt it.
I don’t want to read it right now.
So I’m sitting back, not doing much, writing more blog posts than usual, and trying my darndest not to spend money.
In that regard, May should be quite similar to most months.