Now, instead of having comments on their site, they’re letting people comment on Google+. You can see links to the Copyblogger Google+ page at the end of each blog post.
Today they had an audio article examining the effects of removing that blog commenting section. The main reasons seemed to be:
- Not having to deal with spam;
- Easier notification when a comment appears;
- Overall less hassle.
I listened to the podcast they had while eating my superhot habanero chili today. While listening I thought it’d be great if we had another perspective on this decision of theirs, and particularly a ‘supernatural’ perspective.
To do that we have to go to the Tarot cards, and what better reading than the Traditional 5-Card Spread?
Alright, the question is, “will Copyblogger’s decision to remove comments from their site have a negative effect long-term.”
First Card: Two of Coins (Reversed)
You’re juggling your finances, and there are choppy waters at your back. You’ll notice that the equilibrium, or infinity, is out of balance, and those transport ships carrying your wares in the background are also having a tough-go of it.
The main, thing, however, is that you’re still upright, still juggling, and still making your situation work. The good are going to market!
Reversed (upside down), however, the card means that things are crashing down around you. The idea was good, but you just couldn’t keep things in motion. There could be some financial instability and security issues. Overall, not good.
Second Card: Justice
The woman in the picture is thought to be the Greek Goddess Athena. She has an upright sword and well-ordered thoughts, shown by the small square on her crown.
The sword is sharp, and has a double-edge. Justice cuts both ways, and this woman is a fair and impartial observer. She uses the scales in her left hand to balance logic and her superior intuition.
I think this is really an appropriate card because it represents authority, wise thinking, and sound-decision making. A great card…to have now or in the future. This is showing in the past, and perhaps we’ll learn more from the cards to come.
Third Card: Death (Reversed)
So what does it mean for Copyblogger, or you for that matter?
Instead of moving forward, as death always forces us to do, you’re lagging behind, becoming stagnant in what you’re doing while not changing with the times or situations. I’d say you need to let go, let those old ideas or beliefs that are holding you back die, and move forward.
But…Google+ is a great social networking platform that allows me to develop meaningful business connections while strengthening my bottom line, right?
Yeah, this is a tough card to read. Let’s look at it more closely.
- Notice the sun. The druids believed that to be cyclical, and since it’s always either rising or setting it could mean that this is just a phase.
- Take a look at the river, and how the ship is still moving smoothly. Even with death and decay and downfall, commerce is still continuing.
- Gaze into the towers that the sun is moving between. They’re still standing, which means our edifices and support structures are all still in place. That’s not such a bad future, not when you have something to work with.
Fourth Card: Seven of Swords
Why? Because the fourth card shows you the reasons behind your question, and can do a lot to show you how the second card is influencing your question.
So this card can really apply to the questioner, or me. And perhaps that’s me in the card, trying to steel those Swords, or maybe some of the traffic from the Copyblogger site.
So am I one of those spam commenters that they complain about? Maybe. It’s obvious that whoever it is in the picture isn’t getting away with it. In the background you can see the horsemen just on the horizon.
Overall the card shows someone sneaking away from their responsibilities. Sometimes we’re running away with the wrong choices. You need to use caution, and you also need to consider if getting away with your prize is worth the price that may have to be paid.
Since this card is playing on the second, which is the Justice card in the past position, it could be that the deception will have a negative affect on that authority imparted by Justice. All in all it could be that authority has been damaged in a failed attempt to ‘take the money and run.’
Fifth Card: Ten of Wands
In the Ten of Wands we see a man carrying a large bundle of wands toward a house in the distance. He strains under the load and perhaps even feels that he’s taken on too much. In fact, he can’t even see where he’s going, so focused is he on what he must carry.
The wands in the picture represent our burdens and responsibilities, which we carry with us always. Perhaps if this load must be shouldered on a daily basis it’s just too much for you. Consider scaling back and carrying less.
The sky is blue and clear, which means nothing else has bearing on the situation. Tarot has wands for creativity and the ‘ten’ cards for abundance. You’ve got a lot of creative abundance, perhaps too much to handle all at once. Figure out how you can lessen this load or you’ll be walking a slow road toward your creative aspirations.