Maybe this woman is terribly nice and gives wonderful gifts at Christmastime, but when you try to sell off federal lands to Koch-backed groups, we know you aren’t a true Montanan and have to go.
So how do Democrats go about getting rid of this woman? Here are five ideas.
Run Mark Sheets Against Her
How the hell are you going to get another 1,300 people in Thompson Falls, or even 2,100? How are you going to get any of these areas that went red in 2012?
Run a Woman Against Her
Find Groups that Don’t Really Like Her
How about a 69% approval rating from the Montana Contractor’s Association? Couldn’t we take that endorsement…and what the hell does that endorsement mean, anyways? It means companies and businesses that build things aren’t exactly as pleased with Fielder as they could be. Use that against her.
The Northern Plains Resource Council gives her 27%. Surely there are some votes here…right?
Run a Forester or Logger Against Her
Run a Kid Against Her
- In 1982 William “Bill” Riddle lost the race there by about 400 votes. In the House there was Housh and Kennerly in that area. Actually…I think I might be in the wrong part of the state (District 7 mix-up)
- In 1984 we see Sanders County is in Senate District 26, and that year Democrat David Colyer lost to Republican George McCallum by more than 2,000 votes.
- In 1988 Senate District 26 went to Democrat Paul Rapp-Svrcek, 4,669 votes to the 2,680 of Republican Mary Naegeli. Remember, Bush was elected that year on Reagan’s coattails – and a Democrat took that race. Jim Elliot also prevailed as a Democrat in the House in Sanders County that year.
- In 1992 Democrat Barry “Spook” Stang took the race easily – he was unopposed! That same year had Democrat “Jody” Bird best Republican Brett Hardy, showing a woman can win there…although in that instance House District 52 wasn’t made up much of Sanders County.
- In 1994 Jim Elliot did dam well in House District 72 in Sanders County and Lincoln County. Kenneth Wennamar was another Democrat that had no Republican opponent in that county with HD 71 that year.
- In 2000 the Republicans took HD 71 when Bob Culp ran. Sylvia Bookout-Relnicke beat him 56% to 44%. Democrat Paul Clark took HD72, with more than 2,000 votes in Sanders County, the bulk of the total. Senate District 36 was tight that year, with Jim Elliot squeaking out at 50.5% to 49.5%, with just 87 votes separating him from Republican Greg Hinkle. The district had gotten tighter.
- In 2004 Jim Elliot easily beat out Republican Fred Carl, but then in 2008 Greg Hinkle came back and bested Paul Clark as the Democrat tried to jump from the House, 5,555 votes to 4,581 votes, or 55% to 45%.
And then it was 2012 and Fielder.
Surely we can find a Riddle, Colyer, Rapp-Svrcek, Elliot, Stang, Bird, Wennamar, Culp, or Clark to run against her…right?