Depending on who you ask, the organization based out of Bozeman could be the Property and Environment Research Center or the Political Economy Research Center.
With names like that, you know you’re gonna get screwed.
You can see the main PERC website here.
These groups are scum and Montanans need to treat them like that. Democrats need to go to war with them.
Or is destroying our environment and ruining our kids’ future acceptable to you? It’s not to me, and that’s why I go after these groups tooth and nail.
But Montana Democrats don’t, and that’s why the fight is just a waste of time. Honestly, I think Montana Democrats are in bed with these folks, although they try to make it appear they offer some resistance. I’m sure at the top, however, the bigwigs profit just as much as those rightwing nutcases.
How does that make you feel?
Here’s what the outspoken Larry Kralj had to say about PERC: