Over at The Washington Post they say that 7.1 million have signed-up for the 2015 Obamacare plans so far.
All of this information comes from the Obamacare Week 6 Open Enrollment stats supplied by the Department of Health and Human Services in Washington.
From that page we learn that 1.3 million people used the healthcare.gov site that week and that there were 197,402 applications submitted. What’s more, just over 450,000 people called the call centers and the average wait time on that was 2 seconds.
For Montana we know that 36,584 people chose an Obamacare plan during the last enrollment period, October 2013 to April 2014. Of that, 34% were under 35 years of age, meaning most people getting healthcare with Obamacare in Montana are young...and healthy - they don't need this, not really.
God, this is such a bad idea, to sign-up for Obamacare in Montana if you are poor like me! We already know that Montana Democrats Have No Answers for Obamacare and that Montana Obamacare Isn’t Good for Working Families. Why is it so hard for you to speak out against this?
Where is even $100 extra supposed to come from in my household? And then instead of me saving that or putting it into my local economy, you want me to give that to some insurance company, that may or may not be headquartered in Montana? We looked at what these plans cost – it’s absurd!
Democrats, why have you lost your way so much? We do not support insurance companies, we do not support banks – we support hardworking people and those that no one else will care about.
What does it mean to be a Democrat in Montana today? I think we need to ask this, because I’m not seeing what I think a Democrat is:
- Someone that will reach out their hand to help you when you’re down;
- Someone that will give you help to get your life back together when you have nothing;
- Someone that will listen when no one else will;
- Someone that will work hard and expect you to do the same;
- Someone that will call out BS when they see it, BS like Obamacare in Montana that hurts working families right now more than it helps them!
So what level of plan are these people getting? Are they getting a lot of financial assistance still? And most importantly in my mind, what are those deductibles? Because if they’re anything like the plans we profiled over these past weeks, they suck.
How the hell is someone in Montana supposed to come up with $12,000 or even $6,000 for a deductible? And guess what – until you pay a deductible, insurance doesn’t pay anything!
It’s such a sham, such a disgraceful sham. And Democrats go along with it.
This is that lesser of two evils nonsense you hear about – the Democrats, wolves running around in sheep’s clothing, hurting the working man more than helping them.
We need to have everyone in the country on insurance and it’s taken out of their taxes!
And if we weren’t wasting so much money at the federal level, we could have even lower taxes now. We don’t need to police the world – that’s what the UN is for!
Who are the Democratic leaders in Montana? Why is no one speaking truth to hypocrisy, telling the emperor they have no clothes? Or have we shed them all in our eagerness to get in bed with the banks and insurance companies?
What happened to us, what happened to Montana Democrats?
We already saw that 86% of the people in Montana are getting subsidies. That’s 31,462 people that the state will have to give subsidies to in, what…2017 or so?
Where is that money going to come from? I guess we know what Bullock wants that surplus for, huh?
Let’s do some math. From this U.S. News & World Report article in November, we know that the average cost of a Silver plan is $216. Let’s just take that and multiply it by the number of people getting subsidies. That gives us $6.7 million a month or $81.5 million a year that we’ve got to pay, just in new costs to the state.
Again, where is this money going to come from?
I have to admit as well, though, that $81 million doesn’t sound like that much compared to the money we spend each year on infrastructure and whatnot. But if this money is just going to insurance companies out of state, or even insurance companies in state…how is that helping me?
How the hell is that helping me, some poverty-ridden person living in stagnant-wage Missoula? It’s not, it’s not helping me at all. So why are we supporting this?
Because rich people do not want to pay one nickel more than they have to. And if a poor person in the ER gets that trip paid on Uncle Sam’s dime, then holy hell, the world is ending.
So let’s just raise taxes and say every damn American has insurance and just be done with it, alright? Remember, we know where the American government can save money to make up the difference.
Tell your stupid party to start electing true Democrats again, and for God’s sake, will the true leaders of the Montana Democratic Party please stand up?