This post will discuss ways you can get your book doing the same, although I’m just pointing out what I did, so don’t get all flustered if it doesn’t apply to you. Remember, eBook marketing is a tough ballgame, and you’ll fail a lot, maybe more than you succeed.
For many authors, this little run at the charts would be a joke. But I’ll throw it up for you to get some info from, because I know every little bit can help.
Targeting Your Audience
For lighting I had these, which are viewable from my KDP Bookshelf screen for Lightning:
That screen looks like this:
All you need to do is pick out those keywords most appropriate to your book genre and list them as your 7 Amazon keywords like I had back there on that product page above (notice the two red circles, did you?).
Could I choose romance keywords and categories for Lighting, some of you may be asking? Yes, I can, and I can also kick myself in the head for being stupid.
Optimizing Your Product Page
Here’s what my old one looked like:
Here’s my updated one, for this perma-free run:
- I’ve turned 1 paragraph into 3;
- I’ve added more proper nouns;
- I’ve added more keywords (police detective…well, I should have added more);
- I’ve given my blurb its own short plot;
- I’ve added an excerpt.
I want to say, this blurb is far from perfect and it’s probably still got more flaws up the wazoo than I’d care to hear about right now (I’m kind of hungry and thus cranky).
But I can fix things. That lack of keywords in the description? I should look at the sidebar subcategories and add some of those (that’s coming up). I should also fix that terrible last sentence (it’s bad, right?).
Product Page
Results of the Promotion
So I shared the hell out of it on social media and elsewhere and then the book got some traction and started moving.
I read about this a week or so ago on a post by Nick Stephenson, and I thought I’d give it a try. It’s also something that got me thinking to Mud, my Book 3 for this series, and something I could get done in a week if I really wanted to.
These stories are easy to write, and they’re probably the closest I’ll come to anything like the Tavis McGee series by John MacDonald…just with global warming being the key villain.
Anyways, thanks for reading, and if you haven’t checked out Lightning yet, know that it’s available on all eBook channels…for free! And if you want more eBook marketing advice, get it all in my book How to Write, which as more than 500 pages just waiting to help you get sales.