This is a great way for readers to get a glance at all you’re doing, and quickly. Remember, you have just a few seconds to grab their attention, and this is one tool in your authorial tool chest to do that.
This is what my Amazon author page looks like:
The same thing goes for that string of Tweets there. Now, I’ve seen authors with a tweet that’s a month old sitting there. If you’re not using Twitter, disable that because you look silly.
If you’re like me, sending out multiple tweets each day, it’s good to have this. I removed mine for a time during the election because of the all the hate and vitriol I was spewing out on a daily basis, but now I put it back up.
Perhaps you should think of doing the same…depending on your circumstances. If you want ideas on how authors can use Twitter, check out that Goodreads group there.
Below that sidebar is a list that looks like this:
Overall, having a good Amazon Author page is a good selling point for you, something that builds authority, and gives you a bit more outreach. All the successful authors have them, why shouldn’t you?