Uh…what the hell is that?
Obamacare, silly!
Jeez, I just want to hug myself, because, really…isn’t today the day we’ve been waiting for? As Democrats, this was when all of our problems were going to be solved, with Obamacare. We fought for it, tooth and nail in some cases, and gosh darn, we got creamed nationally.
So let’s take a look at what cost so many their political careers, and the Democrats from taking the legislature yet again.
Yep, it’s another whirlwind tour here on Big Sky Words, so strap in!
2015 Obamacare Health Plans in Montana
So all of these are based off a family of 3 making around $30,000 a year. The first is this Bronze Plan, with a monthly premium of $21 and a deductible of $12,500:
- First…holly shit, $21 a month? Where the hell do I sign-up!
- Then, what the hell is that $12,500…and do I have to pay that?
Now might be a good time to explain how these so-called “metal plans” break down:
- Bronze: Covers 60% of costs;
- Silver: Covers 70% of costs;
- Gold: Covers 80% of costs;
- Platinum: Covers 90% of costs.
Well, shit. Looks like I’m getting screwed with anything below platinum, huh? But with a name like platinum I can’t help but think of something like this:
Surely Silver will give me some options, right? And I don’t have to be married for 25 years to get those savings either, do I? Nope, a silver plan might just be for me, like this one:
So let’s pay a bit more a month to get that deductible down, and still stick with that bronze level, like this:
And if you don’t get sick or hurt or anything else…do you get that money back? Nope, we’re using that for other things, like improving your view:
And health insurance companies made $305 billion in premium income just in 2011…so you know they’re going to kick anyone that tries to limit that right in the balls. I’m sure Obama and Baucus are laughing about that right now over their Peking Duck. Thanks, guys!
Oh, I might be interested if my minimum student loan payment wasn’t $248 a month, and to be quite frank, I think when I finally get those bastards paid off I might like to keep that money and not turn right around and start giving it to the government again.
I really don’t expect a lot of Republicans, both nationally and in Montana, to come around to Obamacare because it’s so easy to look at the numbers. For me, I see that I get a great deal if I only give the insurance companies their money and hope to hell I don’t get sick. For if I do, I’m fucked.
And when you get down to it, what’s worse – being fucked physically in America, or being fucked finanacially? We don’t have debtor’s prisons anymore, but a lot of people are living with the chains of debt around their neck. And we as a society encourage this.
I can’t help but think Obamacare is going to make America’s already-shaky finances even shakier, and the life for struggling Montanans even more difficult.
Bonus Content for Republicans:
- They’re slower to load;
- The pages are cumbersome to view;
- It’s not easy to zoom in and out;
- Scrolling is difficult and sluggish.
All of those things cause people used to the faster and more responsive industry and corporate websites to hit the ‘back’ button faster than someone screams "I'm on fire!"
Now you can take all that PDF information and you can put it on a website page or a blog page – just like I’m doing right here – but the government is too busy paying lots of money to tech companies.
Anyways, let’s not try to rationalize the irrational – let’s get back to healthcare.