Make it New
People will come to your website if it has quality content, and if that content changes frequently. Just like people pick up a newspaper to see what’s changed from one day to the next, so too will people visit your website if they know the content will be new and fresh each day. Therefore posting once a day is a must.
When you put up new content on your website, and especially blog posts, people will know. Many times you can create an email list that will send out a notification to those who’ve signed up. They’ve done that because they like what you’re content is saying. These are people who want to read each and every new post that you’ve got, meaning you’re doing a great job! Every time you post, they’ll get an email, and you’ll get another visitor. But even regular visitors will turn away if no new content is available.
Posting for Growth
That strategy works with whatever goals you have for your website. If you want to grow like crazy, and you’ve got the ability to create fresh and exciting content each day, post 3 to 5 different times each day. There are plenty of people willing to write articles and blog posts for you, if you pay them of course. And many of them will even put that content right up on your website for you, reducing your need to do much of anything.
If you want steady, long-term growth you should post everyday. You’ve only got to pump out 500 words or so, and can even do less on days when you’re just not feeling up to it. The key is posting each and everyday, however. And it’s not as hard as it sounds; seeing how many blog posts your website begins to accrue will be a great motivator for you to continue.
Always read through any comments your blog or other content is getting, and reply quickly. Someone who left a comment is waiting to hear back from you, and the faster you deliver, and the more personalized you make each comment, will ensure that you’ve just gone a long way in creating a dedicated user of your website. And don’t be afraid to comment on other websites that are similar to yours. Just make sure you put a link to your own website’s content in the comment.
Posting for Fun
If you’re not concerned about growing your site and increasing your users, post less frequently. A couple of posts each week, or even a few quality posts each month will still have you adding great content. If you’ve got a very specialized website with unique content that’s sought after in your niche, you’ll have people checking you out.
You might not see your traffic increase a whole lot when you’re not posting that often, but at least you’ll still be in the game. And perhaps you just want to make your views known, or just get them into the computer and out of your head. A blog post is a great way to do both.
Whether you’re posting for fun or as a serious way to drive up the traffic to your site, always make sure you are comfortable. If you find yourself getting behind on posts when you thought you’d be putting up new content each day, slow down and figure out what you can do. Oftentimes just writing the titles down that you want to talk about each week will go a long way. Also consider having several smaller-sized articles or posts that you can throw up on those days that you just feel yourself dragging. Nothing’s better than putting up an article you wrote the day before, and having a much needed rest. If you’re putting up 30 articles each month, you’ll need it!