Yep, for the past month I’ve been uploading my eBooks into the Createspace template and getting PDF covers done as well.
Then I format and check and format again. It’s a pain, but eventually it pays off. Already in January my print income was more than my eBook income!
So I have some new books, and these ones are done, proofed, and approved. They are:
That’s 8 new books that are now in print, and I have a few more on the way. Altogether, that puts me up to 18 books in print or soon to be in print. Pretty good!
Other than that, I don’t get that many print sales…at least compared to big-name authors. Last month I had 27, but in January it was just 7, Still, December was 36, and those sales add up, and pay out more earnings.
And I get perhaps 5 to 10 sales a month on my Montana books, which is where most of the sales for those books happen now. Yeah, I’m a self-published author that started in eBooks, but my most successful books are now print books – who would have thought!
All in all, this is another format for people to choose if they want to. Many don’t, and the books are never printed. It doesn’t cost me anything. But when someone does order one, it is printed and I get a few extra bucks that month…or 60 days later, to be precise.
So thanks for reading my books and telling your friends and family and anyone else that has money!