And here’s what the sign-up form itself looks like that that link will take you to:
- Monthly Newsletter;
- Writing Blog Posts;
- Montana Blog Posts;
- ESL Blog Posts;
- New eBook Releases.
So now anyone signing up has options. But could that just make things more complicated for my users and readers? I mean, what if I’ve got someone signing up for my mailing list because they like my fantasy novels? Do they really care what I put on my websites? I doubt it.
So they could click on the New eBook Releases. I had a text box there for awhile and let people write in what genre or type of books they wanted to be notified about, and I still think that’s great, and might even be better with radio buttons.
Mainly, though, I just want to consolidate all of my mailing lists into one author brand – me. Right now I’ve got too many lists:
New Mailing List Experiment
Yeah, kind of a joke, huh? Alienate 6 people! See, those people signed-up for new eBook releases, not a newsletter. But I guess I’ll be presenting those releases (there are 5 this month), just in a newsletter format.
Still, I fully expect to get 3 to 4 unsubscribe notices in the next few days. Hey, I’m just pessimistic! But long-term I think it’ll be a good idea. And those new short stories I’m giving away to mailing list recipients should also spice up the pot. More about that later!