So is there anything that can make getting up to that 1,667 words each day any easier? What if there was some magical tool that allowed you to write more words?
Well, folks, there is such a thing, and I won’t charge you a penny for it – mainly because I can’t. It’s called Google Maps, and one of the things I’m struck by is how often I use the program for fiction writing.
Many times I’ll write about real places, or even imaginary ones. Seeing the terrain, streets, businesses, and landmarks gives me a lot to go on. And it helps me get words quickly while also making the transitional scenes in my stories better.
Take Paris
Take Barcelona
I was able to have my characters walk around, point out actual place names, and use roads they’d know and remember. All of this added realism to my story and that’s what makes readers into fans.
Take Canada
Take Planning
If you get stuck in a couple weeks when you’re pounding away, or at least trying to, then pull up Google Maps. It’s a great way to get through tough spots and also make your earlier sections a bit more detailed and lively.