But hey, really…can’t we say that about anyone? I mean, even granny did a double take when those cards were lying around in the curiosity shop. There’s just some kind of hypnotic hold…and pull…and power that Tarot cards have over our consciousness.
And that’s why I know you’ll love this book. More than 150 people have already concluded that fact for themselves, and even more people downloaded this book for free when I had it listed under the Smashwords Summer/Winter promo back in 2013.
But how can this book help you…besides curing that little itch of curiosity you’ve always had? Simple…it will solve all your problems (past lives most likely).
A Divine Tarot eBook
The Major Arcana is everything else, or what we’d generally think of as face cards. These are the most recognizable of the Tarot cards, with such images as The Fool, Death, The Lovers, and The Hanged Man. Each of them has a different meaning depending on how they are placed in the spread and what direction they’re facing.
The book also tells you how to use the cards with spreads. Tarot Spreads are how the cards are laid out to provide divinatory insight into your past, present and future. This book includes two Three Card Spreads that are great for past-present-future readings or to tell you about your day.
The Celtic Cross is explained in more detail. It’s much more helpful for those just starting out with Tarot.
Having a Tarot eBook is a great way to learn about the cards and have that accurate reading, especially if you’re a writer. You can do a reading, getting plot ideas as well as ideas of how you should proceed with the work. It’s easy, and everything you need to know to get started is in my Tarot eBook.
Anyone looking for a good introduction on Tarot cards, what they are and what they can tell you would get a lot of great information from this Tarot eBook.
Besides explaining how to conduct a great reading, what each of the Major Arcana cards mean, and what most of the Minor Arcana cards mean, it also tells you how to handle, shuffle, and clean your cards, as well as what they hold for your future. Dreams are discussed, and how Tarot cards can help you interpret them. Oh, and did I mention the complete history of how the Tarot came about is also told in detail?
That’s right, this Tarot eBook details the history of Tarot cards, and how they didn’t come into their current form until about 100 to 150 years ago. When Tarot cards first came out they were used as playing cards, just like we use common cards today. It wasn’t until the French occultists began using them for divination purposes that they really came into the area that they’re known for today.
So what are you waiting for? Light your incense, gather your crystals and grab your cards. You’re about to learn firsthand about Tarot: The Mystery and the Mystique!