- There’s a complete rundown on all 22 Major Arcana cards. The original version only had a short snippet on each and this new version has several paragraphs.
- Several Minor Arcana cards are explained in detail. How I worked Tarot: The Mystery and the Mystique is that I only did the first 2 cards of each suit. Some people might not like this, and I actually got a 2-star review out of it on Kobo. My new Tarot book explains all 56 Minor Arcana Cards, and I’ll talk a lot more about that this week.
- There are more spreads. I’ve included two new, and much shorter, spreads in this newer version of the book. These include 2 Three Card Spreads that are great for past-present-future readings or to tell about your day.
- The Celtic Cross is explained in more detail. This Tarot eBook always focused on the Celtic Cross spread, but now I have an example of what an actual reading looks like, and those cards explained. It’s much more helpful for those just starting out with Tarot.
I’ll have a new Tarot eBook coming out soon, perhaps by the end of this week. I’m doing a marketing push on Tarot: The Mystery and the Mystique, and I’ve lowered the price back down to $0.99. I’m hoping to get some momentum going come this weekend and release the new book at that time.
Oh yes, you’ll be hearing a lot more about Ten Minute Tarot in the coming week!