Good, because I’ve got a new eBook for authors and bloggers that will explain the ins-and-outs of Google+, how to get started with the social media network, and how to begin getting traffic and sales from it.
Oh, and did I mention that you can get this book for free?
Yep, all you’ve got to do is sign-up for my mailing list.
Whoa, pal…stop the presses! I don’t want your rubbish clogging my inbox.
Yeah, likewise, and that’s why I only send out 2 emails each month, or maybe 3 if I’ve got some great a free Google+ eBook for authors and bloggers.
Not to mention the fact that you can just sign-up and then unsubscribe right away, like a lot of people do. Or you could just buy it on Amazon or Smashwords if you fancy.
But both of those options will of course put you at a disadvantage marketing-, writing-, and sales-wise compared to those that stay on the list and get links to all my sites’ articles in one easy to manage batch.
It’s really your choice, I’m just happy to help some people out and get some more eyes on my site and my books in the process. I’m also happy to be done with this book so I can move on to something else, as is my way.
Maybe that’s yours as well, just making something and moving on. How’s that going for you? Are you getting all those sales, how about the traffic to that site of yours? Or does it just feel like you’re sitting in the mud and spinning your wheels, getting nowhere fast?
It sucks, and that’s why sharing your content to Google+ is a good idea. You’ll get more eyes on your writing, products or services and you’ll also get more click-backs to your site.
But most of all, you’ll get one of the most engaged and educated audiences on the internet, right at your fingertips. The key is figuring out how to come in contact with them, and this book shows you how.
Not convinced? Take a look at how I was doing a few months ago:
So how’d I get an extra 300 people to follow me in a month? And how did I get 1,600 more to follow me just a couple months later? Simple, I followed some fast and easy social media principles.
Well, that’s why you need to sign-up for my mailing list so you can read this book.
Download your free Google+ guide today. Learn just how critical Google+ is to finding an audience that doesn’t just like, but buys.