The book’s called To Its Knees, and it’s the fourth volume in the ten-volume Rise of Coil series. The book’s title refers to the position Europe will be in when Destro has his way with it financially.
Yeah, Destro is the main badass in this book. And we have some fun with his place of residence.
Let’s go over a little about Destro, where he lives, and the book in this post about G.I. Joe Kindle Worlds books.
Destro – One Bad Dude

Destro’s father sold arms to both sides during the English Civil War, way back in 1642, and his descendents have done much the same ever since.

Over time the mask became a symbol of pride for the family, and Destro wears a beryllium steel version today.
Destro’s Home

It’s a great location, and that’s where the evildoers hatch their plots. Castle Destro juts from the rocky peak just like the imposing menace you’d imagine. It’s also where Gung-Ho is.

He flew all the way across the Atlantic and now it’s his job to get word to the Joes back in America who have no idea what’s going on.
It’s a suspenseful read and one that has some real twists at the end. Three new characters are introduced – Shipwreck, Flint and Lady Jaye. There’s also Voltar on the Cobra side.
All in all a fun continuation of this series, and the starting point for three action-packed volumes that take place simultaneously.
But more about that later. For now, enjoy this excerpt from To Its Knees!
Excerpt from To Its Knees

Easy now, buddy, he thought to himself as he reached the last few feet and the lip of the crenellations, one false move and a guard’s shout is all it takes for this to be over.
The rain battered him but he kept his hands glued to the walls, stuck into some clefts in the rock and stone. He craned his head, listening for footfalls, waiting for–
There he is!
Gung-Ho held his breath as he heard the guard above draw near and then begin to walk away. The marine gritted his teeth and pulled, throwing his arm up the last few feet to the top of the wall. With a mighty heave he was up, then over.
His landing was silenced somewhat by the rain, but not enough. The guard turned about, his gun already coming up. Gung-Ho was already rushing forward, however, and his fist met squarely with the man’s masked jaw.
The blow sent the guard to the stone walkway and Gung-Ho quickly reached down for his gun. Coming back up, he glanced about. The next guard would be turning the corner in seconds.
Gung-Ho’s eyes darted to the guard tower, and the closed wooden door set into it. Leaning down, he grabbed hold of the unconscious guard’s uniform collar and dragged him the few feet to the door. He tried the knob and it opened and he was inside. Throwing the guard down he turned about and eased the door shut so just a crack remained, then saw the next guard appear. He shut the door and waited.