Well, if you head on over to the homepage, scroll down to the Works In Progress section, then by golly you’ll see that I’ve done exactly 0% on that book!
Yeah, it’s going nowhere fast. Am I concerned? Not really. Since I put out my first G.I. Joe Kindle Worlds book back at the tail-end of March I’ve sold exactly 8 copies. All four of my G.I. Joe books have sold but 13 copies. The last one hasn’t sold any.
Of course that might just be due to the incredibly poor and incompetent sales reporting that Kindle Worlds has. See, right now I can’t see what I sold in May, even though it’s June 17. That’s funny, because I can see if I sold a book on KDP within an hour or so, certainly a day. Why is it so hard for Kindle Worlds? I think because they have poor management.
I emailed them about this, but I’ve emailed them a lot more about my covers. See, I can go a month without sales reports. But I hate going even a day with shitty covers. For the life of me, however, I can’t understand why Kindle Worlds won’t do anything about this.
Again, it must just come down to poor management. I emailed them and got a message from a Brian Mitchell, but he couldn’t help me at all. Next I got the top guy, Nick Loeffler, but he was about as useful as an asshole on my elbow.
So what to do? Well, write something else. As you can see, I’ve got crappy sales, shitty covers, and an incompetent support staff – not exactly what confidence is inspired from, eh?
So will a new G.I. Joe book come out? Probably. I’ll probably start on it and finish it in five days or so, about what I did on the others. I just wait for these things to happen, but as you can see, no one’s clamoring to buy what is out there. I mean, if people wanted me to write more books in this series they’d write a review – that’s how it works.
Speaking of reviews, I got a pretty good one yesterday, or around thereabouts. I noticed it last night, and for my book The Hirelings. It’s 3-star, and here is what it says:
Standard fantasy fare. Adequate writing skills. Finishable. Not memorable. The gritty sort not the Disney sort of stock dragon fodder.
Anyways, I really should get back to my ancient Chinese history book. I think previous deities or dead emperors are hovering about me, cajoling me to finish this thing. It’s just flying off the fingers, and I think this one will be a winner.
Why the hell would I think that about a book discussing events from 10,000 years ago?
Because people see that and go “hmm, I always wondered what happened back then.”
Don’t believe me? Well, check out these books selling on Amazon now:
I look at ancient Chinese history and I see demand that has not been met, an audience hungry for answers to the unknown, and a world ready to learn about the fastest rising country we’ve seen in awhile.
That’s why I write full-time and you don’t. I mean, I can tell from those rankings that those book are selling anywhere from 1 to 10 copies a day.
How do I know this? Because I wrote three books on how to market your books on Amazon, duh!
See, I don’t fuck around. Those other sites you go to, yeah, they fuck around…you see this with the number of books they have up on the shelf.
Take a look at my shelf. How long do you want to fuck around?