You’re one of about 900 people that come each day.
The vast majority come in from Google, looking for things to do with Montana, writing, self-publishing, marketing…stuff like that.
These are first time visitors.
A smaller few, about 25%, come each day to read the new articles.
These are the regulars.
I hope you’re a regular…but I don’t know.
Not that many people comment on this site and it’s been that way for three years.
Oh well, the traffic speaks for itself.
Something else that speaks for itself is the writing.
I do it all by myself and I’m not paid for doing it.
Oh, I make a bit from the ads you see, a bit more from the books I sell.
It adds up and that’s why I can do this.
Something that makes doing this easier is money.
When I have that I can pay the rent.
An easy way for you to give me money is to order stuff on Amazon, and do so from this site.
Yeah, just find the Amazon ads on the sidebar of the Montana and the Writing blogs.
Simply click on those to get to Amazon, then do your ordering.
I’ll get a small cut (about 6%) of the sale price.
Hey, it ain’t much, but it adds up.
Thanks for your support.