One of the main reasons I don’t go to the movie theater is because of the cost. Last night I paid $15.25 for a 3D showing of the movie. I’d wanted to get a regular show for $10.25 at 9:45…but they were sold out. So I went with the higher rate.
Why do movies cost so much? Is it because movie stars need to make $20 million every movie they make…plus the royalties they get year after year? Why is that?
The worst is when you see some movie stars or maybe some athletes. They’re doing some community service event, and invariably, they say, “no, these guys are the real heroes.” Typically they’re talking about policemen or firemen or whatever. But you know what? That’s a complete load of garbage.
If those people were such heroes, why aren’t they making $20 million a job? Because they’re not as important as you, big movie star and big athlete, are they? Why do we pretend they are?
It’s important that our movie stars have 10 hours and 20 cars. It’s important that they wear the finest clothes and always look beautiful. This makes the world a better place, a happier place. We all benefit.
Police officers and firemen, however…well, you guys are nice and all, but I don’t really give a damn about you. Sure, you might risk life and limb in real life and not on some CGI screen, but gosh darn, that doesn’t mean I’ll pay you anything. And remember, when you compare your salary to the $20 million those Hollywood hotshots are making, it really is nothing.
I don’t watch many movies anymore, and that’s because I spend most of my time writing. In fact, my movie viewing has gone down substantially over the years:
- 2004: 237 movies (half year);
- 2005: 295 movies;
- 2006: 265 movies;
- 2007: 268 movies;
- 2008: 287 movies;
- 2009: 228 movies;
- 2010: 168 movies;
- 2011: 127 movies;
- 2012: 51 movies;
- 2013: 43 movies;
- 2014: 75 movies;
- 2015: 17 movies (so far).
Beginning around 2010 and 2011, I really cut back on my movie watching. That was also the time I began to write my first novels and I was also teaching more. Oh, and a child was born.
So all those things cut into movies, as do books – I was reading more. But movies…boy, they can tell a story. I don’t write about movies too often, but maybe I should – few know as much about film as I do. Of course, that’s just my experience from talking to people. But I find that few sort their brain for easy retrieval of film facts. I do, but then…I keep a Movie Watch List.

- 08/23/05
- 12/03/06
- 11/22/07
- 01/08/08
- 01/22/08
- 08/03/08
- 02/14/10
- 03/12/10
What the hell? Why am I watching this old 1980s Woody Allen movie so much? I mean…I don’t write those kinds of books.
Hard to say. It’s a good film – the best he’s made, in fact – and gets at the human dilemma. Lots of movies do that, and I’ve written about them extensively. See for yourself in my book SEO & 80s Movies.
Maybe I like the idea of Hannah and Her Sisters so much because it’s simple, has dialogue, and the actors aren’t paid $20 million. It’s a much better movie than the Avengers movie I saw last night. Sometimes you need movies with explosions, however, and that’s why I went to the theater last night.
My wallet is still recovering.