It’s just that right now I’m going balls to the wall on this SEO book for 2015.
It’s up to 247 pages and 54,000 words right now, and I’ve just got a few more sets of links to do, then organizing it, editing it, a final proof (a task I’m terrible at) and it’s out the door.
I need to get that book out by December 30.
What happens if I don’t? Nothing. In fact, I don’t think anyone would really care.
Well, maybe one of you would be pissed, but I honestly doubt that much. I bet most would actually be more surprised by the book being out than by its absence.
Yep, my audience is small and nearly nonexistent. The same goes for my bank balance.
God, any day now that power bill is going to come, the first of the season with the heat on, and…I don’t want to think about it.
So feel free to click on an ad and give me ten cents, or buy one of my books and give me a buck or two.
If I can make it until April I’ll be able to say I was a full-time writer for 2 years. Was.
I’m not sure I’ll make it. My earnings are down big time, and with the changes Amazon made this past summer, my eBook sales are way down too.
I’m not sure I could work for $8 or even $10, well, I could, but my boss would wonder why I only worked for 20 minutes and sat down for the other 40 that hour.
See, if you’re only going to pay me for $8 worth of effort, that’s what I’m going to give you. When you pay me $8 or $10…where’s the incentive to work hard?
Now what if you told me that you’d give me a piece of the pie? Boy, I’d work my ass off, wouldn’t I?
And that’s why I work for myself. It’s just that lately I’ve been very bad at it.
I’m a poor bastard but I’m just like those rich fucks – we’re both one paycheck or one zero in the ol’ account away from the poorhouse, or more aptly, no house.
What can you do? It seems that wherever you move, there’s no hope. And to work hard? I’ll tell you something that works damn hard, and that’s a car stuck in the mud. Few things will work harder, and few things will get closer to nowhere.
All that’s kept it on the charts, although yesterday it slipped off again, but now it’s back…so the yo-yo begins.
You know, I can’t help but think of Rocky and that extra scene that was added.
The Rocky Scene of Doubt
Chances are you don’t. After all, it wasn’t in the original script that Sylvester Stallone wrote and he didn’t add it until after they’d shot the whole movie. But he knew he needed it, for it’s the moment of doubt, the calm before the storm, the hero looking deeply into himself and wondering, ‘can I do this?’
Rocky: I can't do it.
Adrian: What?
Rocky: I can't beat him.
Adrian: Apollo?
Rocky: Yeah. I been out there walkin' around, thinkin'. I mean, who am I kiddin'? I ain't even in the guy's league.
Adrian: What are we gonna do?
Rocky: I don't know.
Adrian: You worked so hard.
Rocky: Yeah, that don't matter. 'Cause I was nobody before.
Adrian: Don't say that.
Rocky: Ah come on, Adrian, it's true. I was nobody. But that don't matter either, you know? 'Cause I was thinkin', it really don't matter if I lose this fight. It really don't matter if this guy opens my head, either. 'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.
So what am I going to do? This is the month for it, December, the end of the year and right before the busy holiday buying time and the busy gift card time that comes after.
I need a successful book bad, so I’m putting out two this month and hoping to hell one of them sticks. Will one?
I’d like to think so, I’d like to think so badly.
We saw Dulce Base, and hat’s a big win. In 10 days I’ll have my SEO and Social Media 2015 Guide coming out. Will that be another hit? I think it will be.
So if I’ve been neglecting you, that’s way. What to do? I guess I’ll just keep going balls to the wall on this SEO 2015 book and hope to hell it catches fire. And if it doesn’t, I’ll go as long as I can and then get a ‘real’ job. What else can I do?