It's currently available on Amazon and Smashwords.
I’m selling it for the bargain-basement price of $0.99 so there’s really no way you couldn’t afford it unless you’re living under a bridge and eating dog food.
That said, I don’t think everyone will want to read this short novel, and for many of the reasons I discussed when I unveiled the cover. After all, it’s about a former Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran that get’s ticked-off about a corrupt and racist Chicago police station and goes in and kills them all.
- The language is both foul and colorful;
- The violence is graphic and gratuitous;
- Women are treated in a derogatory fashion;
- Racial epithets are used;
- The news media is looked down upon;
- Elected officials are lambasted;
- Black militarism is implied;
- Group sex in a hot tub is suggested.
These are all reasons that could really sink this book before it even takes off. Well, to take off it has to get noticed first. I’m not sure if it will, and I don’t have any immediate plans to spend money promoting it. I guess I’ll just let it sit there and collect dust as I move on to the next thing.
Black Walnut Exclusive Excerpt!
BOOM! The shell hit a space a few feet from the back wall and exploded into thousands of microscopic pieces.
Detective Rose had already begun to hit the deck as soon as Black Walnut had come into sight. He made it down, as did several of the men around him, but most weren’t so lucky. The shell exploded and sent out a shockwave that knocked many officers down. Those within the direct blast radius who weren’t sent flying were torn to shreds
First there was Sergeant Rex Withers who’d been standing right next to the back windows. He was hit with the brunt of the impact and immediately exploded into a storm of blood and guts that ultimately resulted in him being nothing more than a stain on the wall.
Officer Joe Butch was a little more lucky, if that’s how you want to look at it. He’d been running away from the back wall when Black Walnut had fired, but the force of the blast and the thousands of pieces of shrapnel still caught up with him. His right leg was sheered off just above the knee and his whole right side was a bloody mess. He fell to the floor screaming and clutching his leg, just a few feet from where Sergeant Rex Withers was decorating the wall.
“Fucking hell!” Rose said as he looked up where the blast had occurred.
His attention was drawn back to the station floor doors as several shouts could be heard.
“I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!”
“Fuck sakes, Stanley, get the hell down!” someone shouted out, but it was too late.
Officer Stanley Tuber was heading right toward Black Walnut, his Remington 870 shotgun held out high in front of him. He fired one shot, which missed and hit the back wall. Rose looked up and saw that Black Walnut didn’t appear to be concerned in the least, and was in fact standing there as casual as could be. First he dropped the spent hand cannon, really nothing more than a small grenade launcher, down to his feet. Then he reached into his black leather trench coat and pulled out two .45 handguns. Rose smiled. Finally, something we can go up against.
Emboldened by the sight of just two measly handguns, Officer Tuber rushed onward. He fired two more times, each bullet missing its mark. He’d never much been one for the firing range, and he was suddenly starting to regret it.
“You fucking n–” Tuber started to yell, but he was cut off as Black Walnut raised his .45’s up and began to empty them into the officer.
Detective Rose lost track of how many were fired after the fifth bullet but if he had to guess he’d say that the bastard had emptied the clips of both guns into Tuber.
For his part Officer Tuber was able to get his gun arm up a few fractions of an inch in an attempt to fire at Black Walnut once again. That’s when the thirty-four bullet holes in his chest thought otherwise and he fell to the floor dead.
Black Walnut didn’t waste anymore time staring at the officer but instead ejected the two spent clips to the floor and then reached into his jacket for two more. Within seconds he had them snapped into place and wheeled about for the next target.
Detective Rose only looked on, his eyes growing wide. Fucking hell, who is this nut?
Buy Black Walnut Today!