These are short stories put up each Friday that you can read for free. By the next Friday the post will be taken down and a new one will go up.
Note: This is the seventy-fourth post in Free Fiction Fridays.
These are short stories put up each Friday that you can read for free. By the next Friday the post will be taken down and a new one will go up. Post removed 08/21/15...thanks
This is the seventieth post in an ongoing series of useful and interesting content that goes up each Wednesday.
Here you can find links to different SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, self-publishing, and other various articles from the past week that I think you might like. This week there are 22 articles…enjoy! SEOContent MarketingSocial Media MarketingSelf-PublishingOther
Get a whole lot more exciting content in my book Stand Out: Your 2015 SEO, Social Media and Content Marketing Guidebook. It’s on Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and many other places. Get the book, get ahead.
This July I just did it and got a lot of things done.
I feel like it was a “just do it” month because I decided to stop fooling around and get things done. That meant two books that I’ve been working on for awhile got finished. Besides that, my total word count for the month was 118,446 words and that puts me up to 743,238 words for the year. I also put out 29 blog posts. The big accomplishments were getting those two books done. Now I’ve got a clean plate, it seems, and I need to figure out what to do next. Let’s recap and look forward. Colter’s Hell & Winter |
Writing Blog