I managed to write 148,211 words, which put me up to 1,141,615 words for the year.
Yep, passed the 1 million mark. That was no surprise, as I’ve done this every October since 2013.
Also, that word count might seem large but I’ve had larger. In November 2013 I had 169,000 words and in September 2013 I had 186,000.
I know for that September one I had a huge restaurant content writing job for a company in Australia. Other than that I have no idea how I managed to produce so much.
That goes the same for this month. All I can say is that when you do something all day everyday, you get good at it, damn good.
Also this month I put up 45 blog posts. That breaks down like so:
- Writing: 26
- Montana: 18
- ESL: 1
I thought I’d do less on Montana after the Missoulian showed me the door, but I’ve been writing quite a bit.
Also, I feel this writing is better. I’m going out and finding primary sources, not relying on the dross of the corporate lackeys at Lee.
Other than that, I put out two new books and pretty much kept my nose to the grindstone. Let’s discuss.
Colter’s Run

You can buy the book on Amazon, though it’s not yet in Kindle Unlimited. What that means is you can’t read the book if you’re just paying Amazon $10 a month – you actually have to pay the $4.99 for this one.
I might change that down the road, but it’s not going to be this month. In fact, I’m looking forward to December 3 when I can take both Colter’s Winter and Colter’s Hell out of the program.
My sales have gone way down since people have been reading pages and not buying. Maybe that’ll change – we’ll see.
Soul Catcher

The main goal with this is to make a little money with some old writings that were just sitting in a folder.
Kindle Unlimited makes that possible with their pages read. Already I’ve had 455 pages read on this, which makes me happy.

I did it the past two years, producing Tarot Card Killer in 2013 and Dulce Base in 2014.
What’s on the docket for this year?
That’s kind of hard to say. You see, I’m halfway done with “Colter’s Friend” and mid-month I’ll start in on “Colter’s Revenge.”
Can I just do the words and say it’s one book? I think I will.
What NaNo is really about is sticking to your schedule, routine, and guns.
You’re making a commitment to do the work each day. You’re also committing to having something to show for it at month’s end. Maybe that’s a pile of words, maybe it’s a finished book. Either way, you met your goal.
As for my goals on the Colter series, they’re good, but things have slowed.
I really got going on this book but then I slowed down a bit. Yeah, for most of the last week I didn’t do a whole lot on this book.
Maybe it was the lackluster release of Colter’s Run, which few if anyone seemed to care about.
Oh well, I’m used to that reaction to my books.
This new one will be great and I’m having a lot of fun writing it. You can read more in this post called What is Colter’s Friend?
Coming in November
- Black Walnut will be on sale on November 4;
- Wake Up, Detroit will be on sale on November 5;
- I’ll finish my new self-publishing/writing tips guide on November 9 and publish it on November 17.
- My goal is to have “Colter’s Friend” finished on November 23;
- I’d like to finish my Tribes and Trappers updates by November 30.
Besides that, I have some other books coming out this year and I’d like to profile those now.
Strategic Self-Publishing

First up we’ll have “Strategic Self-Publishing.”
What is this book?
It’s a collection of links and analysis that I started in the spring of 2014. You’ll get topics like:
- Writing Tips;
- Editing;
- eBook Covers;
- Marketing;
- KOLL/KU/KU 2.0;
- A lot more.
It’s a pretty helpful book. I’ve had the links for awhile and I’ve slowly been writing them up, much like I do on Midweek Content Roundup.
I decided to pick up the pace recently and putting a publish date on the calendar got me going even more.
The book is currently 27,000 words and I expect to have it out on November 17.
Haunted Lighthouses

This will be much the same as Soul Catcher: And 20 More Sci-Fi Short Stories.
What I’m going for is the KU 2.0 pages read on this. I figure I have these short stories – many from Free Fiction Friday – and I might as well make some money.
Perhaps I’ll get a few new fans as well.
I don’t have a lot of stories for this book yet, perhaps just 5 or 6. So I really need to get cracking.
In other words, this book probably won’t be out until next year.
And don’t be fooled by the title – there will be at least 5 haunted lighthouses ghost stories in the book.
Get Noticed

I’ve done so each year since 2013, though that first year the book came out in the spring and wasn’t really a digest of what’d happened the previous year.
Come to think of it, 2014’s book wasn’t much like that either.
It wasn’t until 2015 and Stand Out that I really got going. That book has sold 105 copies so far.
Will this new one do better?
I hope so. Already it’s 83,000 words.
That’s a big book. The release date is December 16, though I’ll probably have it on pre-order by Thanksgiving.
You’ll be hearing more later.
That's It
- The popular articles from last month are now on the sidebar.
- Tons of my books are on sale for you to buy.
- You’ll find more than 1,000 old blog posts on this site.
If that’s not enough, I’m sorry.
Perhaps when I churn out another 120,000 to 140,000 words in November you’ll finally find what you’re looking for.
If not, well…maybe this isn’t the site for you.