Still, I had a super slow and agonizing February when it came to my paid writing work. For the first 3 weeks I made about $200 from writing. It was not looking good.
That all changed on February 17, President’s Day, when I got two big jobs. One was writing a non-fiction book about bitcoins, the other a sci-fi book for someone. Those two jobs saved me from the breadline, or at least the dismal prospect of filling out job applications.
So what did I do for those first 3 weeks or so when I had virtually no work to do, besides silly little $20 proofreading and editing jobs here and there?
Why, I worked on my own stuff of course!
Kindle Worlds

I have no idea, but I’ve already got a cover for the first book and finished both books 1 and 2 in my 10-volume series. (Unfortunately I got word today from KW that the cover will not be allowed, only the images they provide).
Yes, I’m ready for this new opportunity, and I think it could be a game-changer. See, someone made a good point the other day on the message boards.
If you ask someone about John Rain or Archer and Armstrong (2 KW fan-fiction categories), no one will know them. Now if you ask someone about G.I. Joe, well, you get the idea.
I think my other fiction books have a chance to see increased sales as readers pick up my Joe books and find they’re quite good. So are they good? I’ll put up a post in the next few days with my (bad) cover and an excerpt from the first book so you can see for yourself.

In case you didn’t know, I took some hits on my other two books a week ago in the form of 2 1-star reviews. That just makes me want to get that third book out all the quicker so I can get it the 1-star review it deserves as well.
What was funny was that a couple days after those poor reviews showed up, well, they suddenly disappeared again! And you know what else disappeared with them? My desire to work on that book again.

I contacted the Democratic Legislative Coordinating Committee a month ago to get my leaflets printed, and then I approved them on February 17.
Well, by the 25th they were still waiting for approval, so I’m not out knocking on doors. The few feet of snow we have on the ground doesn’t make me too unhappy about that fact, however.
The good news is that they arrived today, so I can get out into this blizzard that’s currently blanketing Missoula, Montana.
Website Work

For the entire month of February I managed to put out 36 blog posts over 4 different blogs on my 2 websites. The vast majority of these (like every month) are on this writing blog.
So how’d that February promise go that I made last month? Well, I got some of those posts, but not all. Then again, no one seemed really eager to read any of those posts when I first mentioned the idea a month ago, so I don’t feel too bad.
What’s Up For March

After that I’ll be alright with money (which for me is having enough to pay the rent next month) so I’ll probably try to focus on my own work again.
I’ll still have to take out writing jobs for others, and for quite some time – my eBook sales have not been good this year – but maybe one of my books will finally take off and I can start making good money from my back list. Hey, I can dream, right?
Other than that, this is what I have planned for March:
- Release G.I. Joe Kindle Worlds Books 1 & 2 (if program is open);
- Release Ale Quest on March 17 (this might be pushed back);
- Release SEO and 80’s Movies;
- Release Bilingual Teaching;
- Release Box Set of Amazon Marketing Books.
Well, that’s about what I have planned for March. Will I get all that done? I’m not sure. I’d also like to get my third Montana history book out, but there’s hardly any demand for them so I’m not in a huge rush.
And this blog? Oh, I’m sure there’ll be plenty of interesting and boring posts that no one comments on, just like usual!
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