I also put out three books this month, one of them a long history book. Besides that I got my three Montana history books into print editions and spent a lot of time working on the format and layout for those even after they were up.
I could do all this because I wasn’t working for anyone else. Yep, June sucked when it came to writing work, and if it wasn’t for a couple jobs just in the last few days I’d be hitting the bread lines.
That would’ve been a real bummer because I’m hoping to move this month. Yep, I want to get closer to downtown Missoula so I don’t have to rely so much on a car. I lived in this town from 2004 to 2008 without a car so I’m sure we can manage to use it less.
Anyways, the reason the month was so furious is because I put out 81 blog posts. You can get a complete list twice a month if you sign-up for my mailing list.
So without further ado, here’s my monthly report for June.
A New ESL Book
Does that mean that others are following your example? No, and that’s why I get paid from several different countries each month, because I have these ESL books that appeal to a global audience.
I mean, you don’t teach English – why the hell should you care, right? But amazingly, there’s a huge demand for English language learning and teachers from all over the world are filling that demand, even if English isn’t their first language. And by golly, those teachers are often the first to run into problems in the classroom.
So I solve those problems for them. A book with 101 lesson ideas? Boy, that’s a lifesaver!
So that’s why I keep putting out these books, like Fun English: 10 Fast and Easy ESL Games,because they sell copies. What’s more, I know they’ll sell more copies as time goes on and this industry grows larger.
Ripped-from-the-Headlines eBook
That’s why I decided to write this fun and violent and humorous take on that news story.
I like to write stories that are happening on the news now. It’s fun, adds an extra dimension to it, and just makes me smile. And that’s why I wrote Bring Back Our Girls
It sure the hell doesn’t do much for my sales, but I did get one sale on this book in Germany, which really made me happy. I guess I’ve got one good fan there, so I thank you!
Now, for the rest of you schmos, why not get off your high-horse and pick up this fun read? It’s $1. Yeah, a fucking dollar.
I raised the price up from $0.99 because I’ve already got a book priced at that point. Plus, I wanted to see if Amazon would put a strikethrough line through the $1 price and replace it with $0.99.
After all, the book is priced for $0.99 on Smashwords and iTunes, so I thought they might price-match. Instead, I don’t even think they noticed.
Well, that’s my gain, and I hope you’ll not begrudge me that extra $0.01 on this wondrous read.
Ancient Chinese History eBook
Yeah, then I can hold it and see how big it is and really marvel. I did that with my last Montana history book when it came in the mail – it’s big!
So that’s nice, and kind of makes you feel like a real author. I’ve got a real degree in history so that’s why I write history books. There are four of them now, which is more than many academic history professors have.
Of course I’ll do more, mainly to show up those bastards. After all, who wants to read the dross they put out? You’ve heard those guys talk, right?
Yeah, I thought so. And that’s why you’ll love From Heaven to Earth: Ancient Chinese History, 8500 – 1046 BC. It talks about a lot of interesting stuff and you’ll learn a lot of things you don’t really need to know.
The most useless things are the most interesting, and you’ll be able to dazzle and confound your friends, and enemies, with your knowledge of China’s ancient history.
First you’ll have to buy this book, and I sure hope you make the right decision and do so. Remember, nothing is riding on it.
A Flurry of Blog Posting
Alright, alright…some of those were videos for my ESL website and some of them were political podcasts. But 45 were genuine text on screen blog posts that you know and love and hate…and ignore more than anything.
What does this mean? That I’m damn good at talking about nothing, and also wasting time.
Speaking of talking, you can hear me talk about all kinds of political history topics on my political podcasts. I’m sure they’ll rub many of you the wrong way. But that’s the idea right? Don’t you come here to get your guilty little pleasures?
I hope you keep doing so. After all, I get about 2,000 people on my site on a good day and about 1,500 on a bad day, or around 50,000 a month now. Yet I still make nothing from this site, unless you want to count my eBook sales, which I’m not convinced are coming from here.
So that’s a conundrum, huh? What to do? I don’t know…I’m obviously damn bad at monetizing my site or making money from what I’m doing.
It’s clear people like what I’m doing. Sure, many people are just stumbling in from Google to my older articles and then dashing off into obscurity again soon after. But many of you are returning visitors somehow impervious to the BS and incompetence offered up here on a daily basis.
I really don’t know how to fathom that, and I have a strong suspicion that might be part of the problem. What is the problem? I guess that I have no money and no way to make money from the people visiting my site.
So I need to rub some sticks together on that one. Until then, I’ll move on into July. I’m looking forward to Friday when I go to Butte, Montana, and blow up some G.I. Joes with firecrackers.
Now that’s a post I’d like to write, so check back for Free Fiction Friday this week.