Well, you could just be like me in 2013 – ignorant of the correct eBook business practice, just going around and throwing up any old thing on my books and not giving a damn.
That really set me back, but maybe your homemade talents are better than mine. Good luck with that.
For all the rest of you, the business people and not just the hobbyist writers, here are some good artists that can help you.
I’ve profiled 16 Deviant Art eBook Artists before, and they’re all good. These 3 are good too, so let’s get started.
Jeff Brown
Isn’t that a small price to pay?
Iacopo Bruno
Robert Steven Connett
I hope you got some ideas from these artists. Overall, I hope you don’t still think you can just put something together at home – you can’t. Serious writers and eBook business folks will get by in 2015. Those that think they’ll be alright probably won’t be reading this site a year from now.
Good luck!