I’m glad they weren’t there playing the other day because there’s a good chance one of them could have been killed.
The reason for this is because he’s high on meth. In fact, the asshole had so much of the shit in his system that he couldn’t even appear on the courtroom TV feed.
James Fox is a loser and there’s no hope for him. First, we’ll ship him off to Deerlodge for several years, paying more for him than we do for a student in the state. Remember, James Fox is more important for our society – he requires more money than our children.
The reason is simple – he does meth. If you do meth in Montana we’ll pay a lot more money for you than if you’re a hardworking citizen. Then we’ll just take money from you.
For James Fox we’ll be spending money on lawyers, courts, jail, prison, appeals, and probably a lot of other stuff. I’m sure he’s costing us more than $35,000 a year, which is what we came up with when we profiled Montana prison costs on this site before.
So James Fox is more important than my son or I, we know this. And we know that if you do meth you’ll get more attention in this state than someone who doesn’t. Sure, it might all be bad, but tell that to attention-craving individuals.
Tell that to our elected “leaders,” you know, the ones that can’t figure out how to solve this problem to save their lives so instead have just pushed it under the rug.
That’s great if you want James Fox’s running through parks and shooting people. But if you want a state where businesses relocate to and bring their young and educated families, gosh darn, that just ain’t gonna cut it.
Solutions to Montana’s Meth Problem
Our current leaders can’t figure out what to do with meth to make it go away. They can’t get into the mindset of these people that are using it again and again and ruining their lives. They threw up their hands and walked away from this problem a long time ago.
So what can be done to get rid of meth, or at the very least drastically reduce its use?
I don’t care what doctors say and I don’t care what politicians say and I don’t care what the feds say – they’ve talked for years but have no results to show for their tongue-wagging.
I’m not going to talk about the problem, I’m just going to act. Here’s how:
- Legalize marijuana and to encourage those thinking of using meth to use the less-dangerous pot instead;
- Get everyone in jail or in treatment for meth on a medical marijuana prescription right now;
- Encourage meth users to use the lesser of two evils.
All of these meth users smoke cigarettes, but I don’t think there’s a huge push to get them off those. Meth causes a lot more problems for society and for families than pot so we need to get these high-risk individuals off one and on the other.
Or did you have a better idea? I’d love to hear it…yeah, I didn’t think so.
This is just poor policy and lack of leadership. I won’t say failed leadership because it would require leadership in the first place to actually have ideas on how to solve this problem. The only idea I’ve seen is doing nothing again and again and expecting different results.
This is why you can tell our political leaders in Montana don’t give a flying fuck about law enforcement, no matter how much they pander and kiss ass come election season.
If they really gave a fuck about the job stress and bullshit police officers had to put up with on a daily basis they’d solve this meth problem.
Maybe they don’t want to – maybe the state is making money off of it. We wrote about prisons before on this blog, but when you’re paying on average $100 a day for a prisoner that’s $35,000 a year or so…big money for the state.
Yeah, taxpayers might foot that bill, but if state leadership is anything like it is here in Missoula, we know that elected officials don’t give a damn about taxpayers.
Legalize pot and use our current medical marijuana apparatus to wean our meth users off meth and onto pot and then hopefully onto God or whatever the hell you want.
I’m choosing marijuana here because I think it’s a wiser choice then getting all those meth heads on alcohol. I think we should get a lot of our alcoholics on marijuana, making them potheads instead. It’d save the state money and give our law enforcement folks a lot fewer headaches.
It might also keep my son from getting shot in Sacajawea Park after school.