Things are fucked up right now.
This isn’t any surprise – they’ve been that way for some time.
A large part of this is the debate on Syrian immigrants to America. Wow, that is so unimportant that it’s not even funny.
Alas, our media thinks it’s the hot-button issue, the 'sky-is-falling' event that they can race around with this week.
It’s not – it doesn’t affect you at all.
What does affect you is your small little world, your daily habits and routines, and the money you have in the bank.
To better understand this, let’s get into a long and sprawling post on foreign affairs today.
Let’s start with a general layout of what we know.
There are 28 member nations of NATO, one of which is Turkey. They’ve been in the group since 1952 and will serve as the bulwark for Europe’s fight in the Middle East.
Russia has been allied with Syria since 1956.
The Syrian Civil War started in March 2011, part of the Arab Spring that was spreading like wildfire across the region.
The Army of Conquest rose up to fight Syrian President Assad. That’s what the Syrian rebels are called on Wikipedia, the Army of Conquest.
I’m not so sure, myself. There’s a lot of spin, lots of fog of war.
I think that America created ISIS and they did so for the sole intention of creating mayhem and sowing discord in the Middle East.
I say ‘they’ because it’s not really America but the global corporations – GlobalCorp – that controls America.
The US participated with Israel to create safe havens for ISIS so that ISIS could overthrow Assad.
We saw this last year when ISIS soldiers were going straight from the front lines to hospitals in Israel.
ISIS took all the Iraqi weapons we gave them, about $600 million worth. That way they could fight our dirty wars in the Middle East.
We’re not leaving those weapons behind by mistake, because we could blow that stuff up.
But we left it. We left it for ISIS so they could fight Assad. If they happen to destroy cultural relics and commit untold human atrocities, oh well.
Now, if you don’t believe me…what about those Toyota trucks?
Where did ISIS get the Toyota trucks?
We probably better not ask that. Something else we might not want to ask is why Iran is sending ground troops through Turkey to Syria.
Um…Iran is fighting ISIS but Israel won’t? Gosh, why is that?
Israel isn’t fighting ISIS because it believes it cannot do so until after Iran is “contained and defeated,” according to the Atlantic.
That’s great for Assad, as he’s already got the Americans on his ass and he doesn’t need their lapdog to get on as well. You see, Assad benefits the corporate oligarchy.
The problem’s that he’s a nationalistic leader in an area that’s rich in natural resources. Nationalistic leaders only care about their people.
Ugh…caring for people – nothing could be more anathema to GlobalCorp’s interests.
Something else we see with the alliance against ISIS is that Russia and China aren’t afraid of America. And why should they be? I’ve seen Jell-O that’s got more backbone than our current leaders.
You have to understand that Obama’s role for the past few years has been to take the blame for all our problems of the last two decades, effectively paving the way for Jeb.
Alas, things have gone awry…and I’m not just talking about Jeb’s utter incompetence when it comes to public speaking.
Jeb is the candidate who the authoritarian oligarchy that’s controlling us (GlobalCorp) wants. They’ve made a mess of the world and they know Jeb will keep on letting them do it.
They’ve made messes before, in Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan all the places they go. The Wolfowitz Plan started it all back in April 1990.
A global, corporate regime took hold of America to aid the bankers who run the military industrial complex.
My God, when will we realize it?
Back to foreign affairs.
Putin is now offering a $15 million reward for the bomber of the plane that went down. A total of 224 people died in that crash.
A short time later 43 people were killed in Beirut when ISIS bombed that city.
Then we had 132 die in Paris and there’ll likely be more as the wounded slip away.
I have no doubt that more attacks will follow in more cities around the world, including America. Yes, it's terrible to say, but when ISIS takes to social media and tells people to grab any weapon they can, use their bare hands even, you’ll likely see some lone-wolf attacks.
Don’t forget that nutcase that decapitated a co-worker in Oklahoma last year. If it’d happened with guns the National Democrats sure the hell wouldn’t have let you forget it.
Still, if it is by a Muslim, or a Syrian refugee even, we know that half the country will come up with some excuse. After all, we have the constitution to defend, religious freedom to uphold.
Alas, we have no sovereignty to go with that. Our rights have been stripped away and they’ll be stripped away further…just like in France.
It took 71 years, but Vichy France is back. With it comes the death of the EU.
This is largely coming about through the suspension of the Schengen Agreement, which allows for the EU’s open borders. France made the request last year after the Charlie Hebdo attacks but the request “became bogged down in the Brussels bureaucracy.”
When the borders go back up expect to see the printing presses return…those used for money, at least. With the debt crisis in Greece still showing no signs of ebbing, well-off European countries will want to reclaim another element of sovereignty, their currencies.
In regard to the printing presses used for information, expect to see many of those shut down, curtailed, or told what to do. We’re seeing a level of Nazi-like control over that country that we haven’t seen since the 1940s.
Neither Saudi Arabia or Turkey is on board with the fight against ISIS. The former has its own problems to the south of its border, has for months now.
Others are fighting ISIS, however.
We know that 200 strikes took place around October 6 when Russia first decided to do something about the Syrian Refugee Crisis.
By that point Russia had been involved with the Syrian Civil War for nearly 5 years.
A 3-party military agreement with Germany and Iran exists. A lot more countries are signing up. France just joined today.
Iran is sending ground troops to Syria. China, India, Russia, and Iran are all playing this game over there.
China has sent an aircraft carrier group to the area in October to aid Russia.
Shortly after Puting started bombing Syria, 150,000 Russian personal went into Syria and a draft was called to get another 150,000 to replace those soldiers.
Now France has been pulled in too. At the same time, the UK is trying to end it.
The UK has thwarted 7 attacks on their country this year, one just two months ago. David Cameron talked with Putin for an hour yesterday, one that focuses on putting a “political regime in place” instead of Assad.
So the real stumbling block is this 59-year old alliance between Russia and Syria.
Why the hell does America care about that so much? After all, we support 110% the brutal dictatorships in Yemen, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia.
There are two main reasons why GlobalCorp has to get rid of Assad:
- He took the country off the petrol-dollar in 2006;
- It’s one of the few countries they don’t sell arms to.
Putin sells arms to Syria, sells them to Iran as well. That pisses off the global arms dealers of GlobalCorp.
There are 47 American arms dealers making up the Top 100 most profitable in the $235 billion a year arms industry.
The US accounts for 31% of all global arms sales and Russia makes up 27%. China, Germany and France together make up the next closest, with 5% between them.
To give you an idea of what we’re talking about, Russia made about $350 billion from oil exports in 2013, which was 68% of it’s export revenue. All their other exports count for $171 billion, and their arms export revenue comes in at $63.4 billion of that.
America earned $72.8 billion in arms sales income while we also got about $13 to $15 billion in oil export income.
So this is big business and if that war in Syria can drag on or get larger...well hell, that’s some serious manufacturing work, some damn good jobs with benefits!
All we need to do is keep killing.
Oh yes, Putin is going after the ISIS troops.
Should America?
Take a look at this map showing all the countries in the world that American troops are located in:
We’re stretched too thin for another war. Besides, another war is not the answer.
The answer is pulling all our troops home, securing our borders, building our infrastructure, and hunkering down. It’s time we wait this one out, letting Europe battle it out. We’ve done it twice before, coming in at the end to mop things up. It’s what we’ll do again.
We’re broke.
We have $18 trillion in national debt. Let the countries like Germany and China – countries we owe money to – spend their blood and treasure fighting ISIS.
Let France spend theirs – they just got attacked, we didn’t.
But that’s the thing…America will be attacked.
Those in the Pentagon and CIA that secretly control ISIS will ensure there’s some kind of attack on American soil so support for a new war can be ratcheted up.
You and your family do not need this.
We have $18 trillion in national debt yet our country is no safer than it was a generation ago. My son has to pay that debt off, even though he currently has nothing to show for it.
What did we spend that money on?
Who knows. What we do know is that 9,800 troops will be staying in Afghanistan and we have more than 160,000 troops serving in 74 countries. Most of those break down like so:
- 50,000 troops in Japan;
- 40,000 troops in Germany;
- 28,000 troops in South Korea;
- 12,000 troops in Kuwait;
- 11,697 troops in Italy;
- 3,550 troops in Iraq;
- 3,400 troops in Bahrain;
- 2,496 troops in Spain;
- 1,590 troops in Turkey;
- 1,243 troops in Djibouti;
- 1,196 troops in Belgium;
- 679 troops in Cuba;
- 613 troops in Qatar;
- 589 troops in Portugal;
- 402 troops in Honduras;
- 346 troops in the UAE;
- 338 troops in Saudi Arabia.
That comes to 158,139 troops right there...not counting the 10,000 in Afghanistan.
I'm confident, myself, that the troops in Afghanistan are there for the sole purpose of securing that opium crop for GlobalCorp's Big Pharma wing. This also plays into the hands of Gladio and getting those living in poverty in America hooked on heroin.
We don't need so many troops overseas, in Afghanistan or elsewhere.
In Germany alone we have 179 bases. My God – what on earth for? Didn’t anyone get the memo that WWII ended 70 years ago?
In Japan we have 109 military bases. In South Korea we have 85 bases and we’ve been manning them everyday since 1957.
Other countries aren’t as stupid as us, even our allies. France, for instance, has a foreign presence in 10 countries while the UK is in just 7.
In Italy we have 58 bases and in Puerto Rico of all places we have 37.
What a drain on our resources, what a drain on troop morale. Oh, I’m sorry – did you feel better about yourself sitting at a fucking desk all day, out mowing the parade grounds? Give me a break.
These men and women need to come home and start building the roads and bridges we so desperately need.
But that wouldn’t profit GlobalCorp and their arms-dealing wing, now would it? Since GlobalCorp controls the US – and our military – they tell us what to do.
That means we’ll be mobilizing soon. Already the 6 US Affiliates of GlobalCorp that control the media are beating the drums of war. Those 6 are:
- GE (Comcast, NBC, Universal Pictures, Focus Features)
- News-Corp (Fox, Wall Street Journal, New York Post)
- Disney (ABS, ESPN, Pixar, Miramax, Marvel Studios)
- Viacom (MTV, Nick Jr., BET, CMT, Paramount)
- Time Warner (CNN, HBO, TIME, Warner Bros)
- CBS (Showtime, Smithsonian Channel,, 60 Minutes)
Right now the media agenda is to get everyone looking at Syrian refugees and how this is some kind of crisis for America.
On the one hand you have those that want to let in 10,000 of them and on the other you have those that don’t. Not surprisingly, these conveniently fall right down Democratic and Republican party lines.
I think our current illegal immigration problem is much worse. According to Pew Research, in 2014 we had 11.3 million illegal immigrants in America.
That’s 3.5% of our population. Of those 11.3 million, in 2012 we know that 5.9 million were Mexicans.
In July it was reported by the Washington Times that just 2.5 million illegals crossed the border under Obama, less than Bush.
Doing some math we see that this comes out to 312,500 a year, or 856 a day.
So, it’ll take about 12 days for us to get 10,000 new illegal immigrants.
Why the hell is everyone so worried about these Syrians? Well, that’s easy – the 6 major media outlets are telling them to be.
They got their finger there by buying up all our congressmen with campaign donations. Don’t point to Tester or Daines – this stuff began back when Mansfield was still in the House.
We discussed all of that in my book Feds and Farmers, though I know you didn’t buy a copy – hardly anyone did.
I don’t blame you – why would you want to read about this stuff? It’s much easier to sit yourself down in front of the box, let that cable TV wash over you.
Perhaps you should go do that now. I’m sure there’s a good back and forth on whether we should let some Syrians in or not.