What the hell? Shouldn’t the state newspapers be digging that up? Shouldn’t the Montana Democratic Party be dong some research? Why the hell do people rely on a poverty-ridden, unsuccessful writer living in a Missoula basement?
I don’t know, but they do, and I know this from my website analytics, which tells me that when I put up a new article, 100 people read/look at it in 24 hours and if it’s particularly juicy, I’ll get up to 250 in a day or so.
We know that anyone at the secret Republican caucus meeting awhile back isn't a moderate Republican, so we can take them right out of our calculations. This would include 50 people.
What does that give us...50 left in the House? Take away the 41 Democrats, that gives us...what, 9 GOPers left?
With the work I've already done on this site, introducing our GOP leadership and then getting into the Committee on Committees, you might be able to winnow that down to 5 or so. Looking at past voting records on Ballotopedia and Votesmart will allow you to narrow it down further.
Bam! There's your moderate Republicans, the people Democrats can work with to produce results for the 2016 races. And since we know who’s controlling the committees, it’s even easier. Hell, I bet they already know this in Helena and are just laughing at my futile efforts.
It's not rocket science, but beyond the reach of our local and state reporters, that's for sure. I dunno, maybe if they look at that it won’t be published and then their boss will get on their ass for ‘not working.’
Hey, they’re corporate-controlled, so what do you expect?
I honestly expected Montana Cowgirl to put some stuff on this up, but it seems short posts without a lot of elbow grease or internet footwork are the norm over there. So far for November she’s par for the course.
So that leaves me…or does it? Where is Legislative Services? At least there’s a ‘new’ blog by Great Falls Tribune reporter John Adams, and coming from the Capitol…maybe even the basement!
I’m a little frustrated by politics right now, and there was a great letter in the Missoulian today by Jim Elliot, former Montana Democratic Party Chairman I’d suggest you read it if you want to be serious about 2016.
I don’t see a whole lot of passion and excitement coming from Democrats, and all the attempts I’ve made to get Democrats excited have failed miserably. Maybe they were miserable failures to begin with.
So what’s the point in digging around about politicians you could give a shit about, especially when you’re not paid? There isn’t one. Which kind of makes me think of Ferguson – the paid media’s job is to prop up companies through advertising, the unpaid media’s job is to inject real substance into the ‘debate.’
I’d check out Flathead Beacon – they might put something up from time to time, they’re free, and perhaps a few of the other sites will wake up and start doing some stuff.
I honestly wouldn’t count on it, however. The Montana Democratic Party seems to want to keep its choke-hold on what information’s out there, and honestly, I’m tired of that approach.
I’m also incredibly frustrated with the whole work/life balance in Missoula. Jobs are hard to come by, and what’s out there doesn’t pay much. If you don’t have math and science skills or a PhD after your name, you can’t seem to get ahead no matter what.
Oh well, what can you do? I think you just have to press on and take the occasional day off to just let all that nonsense and crap wash off. It’s frustrating, I’ll say it again, this media and political landscape we have today. Oh, and that horrendous lack of jobs, good jobs, meaningful jobs, jobs you want to brag about during the holidays.
But it’s cold outside now, and there’s not much going out. So hopefully we’ll get some good stories, maybe even from the Montana newspapers!
And if you’re unsure of some of the events that have happened in the state’s past, go buy my 4 Montana history books and get 1,122 pages of great stories. Thanks for reading!