Regardless, it’s a pretty good crowd…although…is that John Lewis standing there in the front row?
The ‘witching hour’ is commonly thought to fall around midnight, although most ghost hunters say it’s really around 3 AM.
I can attest to this – last year when I was working until 5 AM or so I’d go outside to smoke a lot, and the veil between the realms and dimensions and waking world and that unseen was much more thin than at other times.
Witches, demons and worse are about at this time, and perhaps even more ominous, our unchecked minds.
Darkness allows a lot of things to come to light, things we’d rather not see, and which we often don’t, but which are there nonetheless, buried deep, hidden, despised and possibly forgotten. If you keep your eyes on the darkness long enough you can discern shapes and flutters and shimmerings of light.
This is of course the mind playing tricks on us, the retina reacting to light or the lack thereof. Science has the answers, always has, even when we were too ignorant to know it.
But that doesn’t mean those hackles on the back of your neck don’t rise, or those stars seem to jump from one spot to the next if you’re not looking right at ‘em...or at 'em right.
Black magic comes to the fore during the witching hour, and I think these campaigns might be having some used against them just now...or maybe they need to use some.
What can be done? I guess you just have to keep staring into that darkness and hope you can find some light.