Missoula's quest to own the water company
- Carlyle owns Mountain Water
- Mountain Water is worth $120 million
- Missoula wants to pay $60 million
- Carlyle won't sell so Missoula is suing them to get it at that price
What is Going On Here?
- Condemnation lawsuit against Mountain Water set for March 2015
- Can Missoula maintain a water company?
- Roads in Missoula
- Does Montana have common sense anymore?
- Where are our resources now?
Is a Recall Election Viable?
- Montana is one of 9 states with recall laws
- 15% of voters from last election required
- If allowed, Missoula would need 2,300 signatures
- Should people stop this?
Read Missoulian Articles about Mountain Water Lawsuit
Laws Governing Recall Elections in Montana (Ballotopedia)
Missoulian 2013 Mayoral Election Results