- Oil and rich fat cats in America
- How easy it is to buy a congressman
- Why oil companies need to buy congressmen
- The new Domino Effect
- Eventual Universal Healthcare
- Why rich people are scared of Obamacare but poor people aren't
- Betraying American principles.
In this episode we'll look at:
I'm not real excited about John Walsh. I bet you're not either. Yep, we've got problems.
So what are we going to do? Mope about and dry our eyes, looking for a contender in 2020? Hell no! We'll get out there and get that man elected, damn it, because the alternative is far too worse to write about here. In this episode we'll look at:
In this episode we'll take a look at:
Lots of other shit I got worked up about and now can't remember. In this episode we'll look at the following:
Closing Guantanamo Bay
In Montana we pay $35,040/year/prisoner University in Montana and America
Cost of incarceration vs. Cost of Education
In this episode we’ll take a look at the new legislation signed by Obama yesterday, and how this might impact your student loans. (It won't really, since it doesn't go into effect until December, 2015).
We’ll also look at my loans ($17,000) and how I can try to get my monthly payments ($306) reduced. The keyword here is try.
In this episode we'll discuss the following topics:
In this episode we’ll discuss the following topics and issues in Montana and American politics:
In this episode we'll explore:
In this episode we explore:
2014 Montana Election BlogIn the 2014 elections I ran for the Montana Legislature as a Democrat in Missoula's House District 98. Categories
My Montana History BooksArchives
February 2015